
From: Kian Maleki (
Location: Fountain Valley, CA

I put this under ghost because I do not know what channeled articles are. Anyway, here I go.

I was with a good friend, we'll call her Melissa, at somebody's house, who we both hated dearly. We started talking, and realized that we were both very interested in things like ghosts, past lives, telepathy, magic, etc. So we decided we would try telepathy.

Since I've tried it before, I suggested we started off by thinking of either a square, circle, or triangle, and then have the other person pick one. This continued for about fifteen minutes, after that we were 100% at guessing from those three choices.

Then we decided that we were going to try something a bit more complicated. Sending and transmitting pictures. Melissa went first. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. The first thing I saw was a dart board. Slowly, it became smaller and smaller until it was a dart. Then it became a crayon (green), and looked like it was freshly sharpened. Nothing changed after that, so I told Melissa, "I see a crayon". She looked at me amazed. "I thought of a carrot." And Carrot's and Crayons are sorta' shaped the same.

My turn. We both closed our eyes, and I thought hard. I envisioned a beautiful rose, and then I placed it in a huge garden, filled with all types of different flowers and trees. She opened her eyes, and said "I see a flower garden like that painting behind me." The painting behind her was exactly what I was trying to send to her.

Two instances of coincidence? Neither of us think so.

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