An Evil Sight

From: karen smith ()
Location: ocean city, md

When I was fifteen years old I went on a family vacation to the beach for a week. This was a very large house we all had stayed in. My sister who is one year younger than myself slept with me in a room downstairs. This house of course we had rented. Anyway the house was airconditined. Everyone had been in bed for a while. I would say about 2 or 3 in the morning I woke up in a sweat. The bedroom was boiling hot. My sister lay next to me. The first thing that woke me up was the hotroom. I felt like I was going to sweat. I opened my eyes lying flat on my back and about 12 inches from my face was the face of what looked like a bull. We were sleeping in total darkness. This thing had large dark eyes and I could make out every bit of fur on its face. It was just a head there was no body attached to this. I was so scared I couldn't move. I slowly pulled the covers over my head and wished for this to be gone. I waited for a very long time and when I finally peeked up it was gone. My sister woke up almost immediately and could feel there was something very wrong. We immediately got out and slept in the living room. We also found it strange that the rest of the house was quite cool when we came out of the bedroom we were in. A big part of me feels that something was trying to tell me that a negative force was going to come into my life and try to ruin everything special between my parents and me. This almost happened too.

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