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My "SHOUT OUT" to the following:

Local Girl II (LG II), LAIE BOY, DiamondGirl, DA HAWAIIAN, hawaiian BiLiBoNg, Isleboy (IB), Aluap girl, Lana, Teddy Bear, hemolele, Icy, Ho'o, BabyBoy, Kamaainaole, PillsburyDoughboy, ypoboy, warriors, imua, sleepless in PC, manoa boy, one_mike, bigboy38, bigsexy, kaleonahe(f)AKA utah~G, KEANU, Zero Gravity, MauiGirl, Alika, Kauai girl, BigMahu, sexc, GENO, jrs1, Dakio, COOLWATER808, G-MAN, C.ROCKZA, sweat, $øÑïÇ_7, Melia, hulaboy56, hawaiian diver, Flame Slayer, ni'ele, Uneak Style, angelic eyes, Wahiawa Girl, m@c@d@mi@, baby girl

There are more that I may have forgotten to list, so please email me and let me know...

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