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In today's society, everything is base on money. Everyone knows that money doesn't grow on trees. In order to be successful, one must have patience, work hard and make lots of sacrifice. If you do what you are suppose to, everything should fall in place. Money is a necessity of life in America, but we must understand that it is not the most important thing in life. Wise man says that richness lies in the heart of mankind. If you make a lot....greedy....and live to get fatter from day to day, you are missing the very essence of richness. You are lacking the very ingredient to happiness, disregarding all those in need. This is the kind of richness that brings tears to ones eyes, open the hearts of the most cruel and hard heads, and brings upon the love that money cannot buy. This can only be achieved with a loving heart. Hint: Some of the happiest people in the world could not afford three meals a day. They live by the richness of their hearts.

This is a very materialistic world, and we should not allow ourselves to get tempted into the dark side of life....a life governed by money, sex and power. We must understand that we are all here temporarily....and we cannot take our cars, jewelries and money with us when we die. Be wise, gain as much knowledge and wisdom as we can, and drive on with our love ones....our families, relatives and friends. Money alone does not measure richness.

Hmong friends, open your eyes and hearts to the opportunities of America. If you hold tight to your hopes and dreams and pursue your goals with the right attitude and enought motivation, you will go very far in this country. I want to end this essay with a great saying by Robert Kennedy: Only those who dare to lose greatly can ever achieve greatly.

Hi-Speed Ethics
Hmong Trial of Tears
