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Ötzi, the glacier man: books and references


The South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology

Opening hours:
Tuesday – Sunday: 10 am – 5 pm
Thursday: 10 am – 7 pm
Closed on Mondays
Open on holidays
Closed on 1st January, 1st May, 25th December 

Research on the Iceman is co-ordinated by the Museum's Scientific Board (Anthropology section), directed by its Chairman, Prof. Dr. Horst Seidler. Applications for research and projects can be sent directly to the Direction of the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology. 

The collection on exhibit at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology is structured chronologically and documents the entire history of South Tyrol from the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Age (15,000 B.C.) to the Carolingian period (around 800 A.D.).
Set off against the wider historical background, the Iceman along with the associated finds form the exhibit's core.
Models, reconstructions, stereoscopic pictures, videos and interactive multimedia stations allow the visitor to gain insight into the ancient past of the southern Alpine region in a way that is, at the same time, highly informative and entertaining. 

Research on the Iceman is co-ordinated by the Museum's Scientific Board (Anthropology section), directed by its Chairman, Prof. Dr. Horst Seidler. Applications for research and projects can be sent directly to the Direction of the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology. 

Museum's Scientific Board: Members:

Univ.Prof.Dr. Horst Seidler (Präsident)
Althanstraße 14
A-1091 WIEN - Austria 

Dott. Luigi Capasso
Laboratorio di Antropologia Archeologica
Via Arniense 162
I-66100 CHIETI - Italy 

Univ.Prof.Dr. Othmar Gaber
Institute of Anatomy and Histology
Müllerstr. 59
A-6010 INNSBRUCK - Austria 

Dr. Niklaus Oswald
Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
Hardturmstraße 181

Dott. Gianfranco De Stefano
Dipartimento di Biologia
Università "Tor Vergata"
Via della Ricerca Scientifica
I-00133 ROMA - Italy

Univ.Prof.Dr. Dieter Zur Nedden
University Clinic of Diagnostic Radiology
A-6020 INNSBRUCK - Austria

Chief Conservator:
Dr. Eduard Egarter Vigl
Chief Conservator of the Mummy
Tel. +39/0471/908150
Fax +39/0471/908175

Publications by the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology

Demetz, Stefan. The South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology- The Guide
44 pp., 17 x 23 cm, with colour illustrations
ISBN 3-85256-102-7
The guide accompanies the visitors to the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology on their journey through time: from the first evidence of human existence in the Central Alps in the Stone Ages through the Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages up until the Roman settlements in the Early Middle Ages.
Alongside the exhibitis of the original finds, it is above all the models, reconstructions, space diagrams, videos and interactive multimedia stations which illustrate the different types of historical settlement and the changes in everyday life through the ages. The main attraction of the museum is the Iceman and the abundant finds discovered with him.

Fleckinger, Angelika ; Steiner, Hubert. The IcemanOmslag van "The Iceman"
54 pp., 17 x 23 cm, with colour illustrations
ISBN 3-85256-100-0
For 5.300 years the ice preserved the remains of a stone-age man who lost his life unexpectedly in his everyday clothing and with all his equipment on his person. It is above all the valuable find (axe, arrows, bow, tools and clothing) presented here which give us a new and deeper insight into the way of life and cultural situation of a long gone age.

Fleckinger, Angelika ; Steiner, Hubert. The fascination of the Neolithic Age
The Iceman
152 pp., with 102 colour illustrations, 21,5 x 28 cm,
ISBN 3-85256-126-4
This book of photographs documents one of the most sensational archaeological finds in the world - the "Iceman".
The glacier preserved him and his everyday clothing and equipment for 5.300 years. This makes him older than the Egyptian mummies. For the first time ever, we can discover how a prehistoric man lived, what he ate, which tools and craftsmanship he disposed of.
Fascinating large-format close-up photographs allow us to experience modern archaeology as an exciting voyage through time and as a sensory pleasure.

Fleckinger, Angelika. Ötzi, the IcemanOmslag van "Ötzi the Icemummy"
The Full Facts at a Glance
120 pages, photos, 11,5 x 20 cm , 
ISBN 3-85256-244-9 
Old and exhausted, with an arrowhead lodged in his shoulder – this is how the Iceman met his death 5,300 years ago.
Since the discovery of the glacier mummy, a window has been opened on this unexplored, often misunderstood period of history: Ötzi expert Angelika Fleckinger summarises what experts from a variety of disciplines have painstakingly unearthed about Ötzi’s life and death in research lasting many years. Superbly detailed close-ups and impressive general views, including colour pictures of the Iceman’s equipment and clothing, bring to life one of the most sensational archaeological finds to date. Everything you wanted to know about the Iceman, in authoritative, compact and vivid descriptions.

Sulzenbacher, Gudrun. The Glacier MummyOmslag van "The Glacier Mummy"
Discovering the Neolithic Age with the Iceman 
Hardcover, 64 pp., more than 400 colour photographs , 
ISBN 3-85256-199-X
‘The Glacier Mummy. Discovering the Neolithic Age with Ötzi’ is packed with visual impressions and precise information.
Around 400 superb colour photographs with short, clear descriptions supply the answers to a variety of interesting questions. How exactly was Ötzi discovered and how was his body extracted from the ice? What do the high-tech machines, which preserve and watch over Ötzi round the clock, actually look like? Why has Ötzi become the most closely examined patient of all time? How accurate and deadly were his weapons? What is so unique about the Iceman?
These and many more questions are answered in this young person’s guide to the sensational archaeological discovery which has provided an opportunity to peer into the world as it was over 5,000 years ago, and attracted countless visitors from all over the world to the South Tyrol.

A list of other books about the glacier man

Bortenschlager, Sigmar u.a. The Iceman and his Natural Environment : Palaeobotanical Results.
Wien: Springer, 2000, 166 S.
(The Man in the Ice, 4)
ISBN 3-211-82660-2)

Dal Ri, Lorenzo. Similaun : il ghiaccio libera l'uomo del neolitico.
Trento: Edizioni, 1993
in: UCT Uomo-città-territorio, anno XVIII, marzo 1993, numero 207 p.27-34

De Marinis, Raffaele. Ötzi : La mummia del Similaun : L'uomo venuto dal ghiaccio.
Venezia: Marsilio, 1998. 189 p.
ISBN 88-317-7073-X

Egg, Markus. Die Gletschermumie vom Ende der Steinzeit aus den Ötztaler Alpen.
Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 1993. 128 S. Sonderdruck aus dem Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz; 39/1992

Fowler, Brenda. La mummia dei ghiacci : La storia di Ötzi cacciatore preistorico delle Alpi.
Casale Monferrato: Piemme, 2000. 415 S.
ISBN 88-384-4939-2

Fowler, Brenda. Iceman : Uncovering the Life and Times of a Prehistoric Man Found in an Alpine Glacier.
New York: Random House, 2000. 313 S.
ISBN 0-679-43167-5

Goedecker-Ciolek, Roswitha. Konservierung der Beifunde einer Gletschermumie vom Ende der Steinzeit I - Bekleidung.
Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums in: Arbeitsblätter für Restauratoren 2/94
ISSN 0066-5738

Höpfel, Frank u.a. Der Mann im Eis : Bericht über das internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck.
Innsbruck: Eigenverlag der Uni Innsbruck, 1992. 464 S.
(Der Mann im Eis ; 1)
ISBN 3-901249-01-X

Leitner, Walter u.a. Iceman Report World Congress 1993 in Innsbruck, Austria : "Der Mann im Eis" - ein neolithischer Gletscherfund aus den Alpen ;
Archäologischer Beitrag.
Innsbruck: Tyrolia 1994. 124 S.
ISBN 3-9500278-2-3

Lippert, Andreas. Die Auffindung einer frühbronzezeitlichen Gletschermumie am Hauslabjoch in den Ötztaler Alpen.
Krems: Malek Druck in: Archäologie Österreichs, 2/2, 1991, S. 11-17

Rey, Françoise. Ötzi : la momie des glaciers.
Grenoble: Editions Glénat, 1994. 256 S.
ISBN 2-7234-1721-2

Rollo, F. et. al. Ötzi’s last meals: DNA analysis of the intestinal content of the Neolithic glacier mummy from the Alps. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), internetpublicatie doi/10.1073/pnas.192184599.

Spindler, Konrad u.a. Der Mann im Eis: Neue Funde und Ergebnisse.
Wien: Springer, 1995, 320 S.
(The man in the Ice ; 2)
ISBN 3-211-82626-2

Spindler, Konrad. Human Mummies : A Global Survey of their Status and the Techniques of Conservation.
Wien: Springer, 1996. 294 S.
(The Man in the Ice, 3)
ISBN 3-211-82659-9

Spindler, Konrad. Der Mann im Eis : Neue sensationelle Erkenntnisse über die Mumie aus den Ötztaler Alpen.
München: Goldmann, 1995. 405 S.
ISBN 3-442-12596-0

Spindler, Konrad. L'Uomo dei ghiacci: Confine italo-austriaco: la scoperta di un corpo di cinquemila anni fa rivela i segreti dell'età della pietra.
Milano: Nuova Pratiche Editrice, 1998. 348 p.
ISBN 88-7380-626-0

Spindler, Konrad. The Man in the Ice : the discovery of a 5.000 Year Old Body Reveals the Secrets of the Stone Age.
New York: Harmony Books, 1994. 305 S.
ISBN 0-517-79969-3

Spindler, Konrad. Der Mann im Eis : die jungneolithische Gletschermumie vom Hauslabjoch in den Ötztaler Alpen.
Nürnberg: Fachbereich Kulturgeschichte
in: Nürnberger Blätter zur Archäologie, Jahrgang 1992-93
ISSN 0938-9539

Taraboi, Emilia. Der Similaunmann = L'Uomo del Similaun : Die Rekonstruktion der Geschichte eines fünftausend Jahre alten Mannes = La storia di un uomo di cinquemila anni fa.
Bozen: Athesia, 1998. 99 S.
(Athesia Werkstatt Sachbuch)
ISBN 88-7014-926-9)

Links to other information about the glacier man


Please contact the author/editor in case you have more information about research or books, 


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