3 Doors Down, Econoline Crush, and Shades Apart concert review

We’ll start before the concert. After stopping at Nicky’s house and at Lora’s house, Nicky, Lora, and Alison came home with my brother and me, because everyone was meeting at our house before to eat and everything. We got changed, and when Sam, her mom, her brother, and his friend Chad got here, we went downstairs to eat. After that, we took off. Since there was so many of us going, we took our mini-van and Nicola’s mom’s car. It took a few minutes to find each other, since we had come different ways. Lora and Alison’s friend Athena joined us, too. We got in after security checking everyone, and found Aubrey waiting for us. She told us she had seen Brad {lead singer of 3 Doors Down} walk by them a few hours earlier. She’d gotten out of school at 1:30 and went then. It was around 5 by the time we got there. Anyways, we walked around for a few minutes and found Nicole and her mom & mom’s boyfriend. Nicole came with us. We walked around the field where the concert was being held. The main stage was near where you get food, a few yards back was the sound equipment and behind that was the merchandise booth. In the field behind that, there were booths {we didn’t really get to check them out}, this big inflatable house thing to play in, another inflate able thing were you battle people with big sticks, and the thing where you can jump in circles. Behind that, there was a smaller stage where three local bands played. When we got the, the last one was playing, and they sounded really bad. So, we were walking around, checking things out, and we found Nicky and Aubrey’s friend Mike. He hung out with us periodically. At 6, 3 Doors Down’s first opening band, Econoline Crush, came on. They were really good. We only knew one song {we think form our local radio, but we’re not sure} and parts of another from a NIN song. By then, Sam, Nicky, Nicole, and I were hanging out farther back listening, and Lora, Alison, Aubrey, Matt {my younger brother}, Will {Sam’s younger brother}, Chad {Will’s friend}, and Athena we up closer. We didn’t wanna go up there because there was a mosh pit and the music was really loud. We listened to them, and then ran to the merchandise booth because they were supposed to be giving out cd samplers. We waited for quite a bit, and they finally came out. There wasn’t that many cds, but Sam, Matt, and I all got one. I think Will and Aubrey had one too, but I’m not sure. I got all five members to sign my cd sample, and two of them to sign my arm. We talked to them for a few seconds, but they were really busy so as so as we were done, we left. We checked in with Leslie {Sam’s mom} who was sitting farther back with Nicole’s mom and her mom’s boyfriend. Then we split up again to watch Shades Apart. Nicole went off with some of her other friends, so Nicky, Sam and I went back to our spot, and so did everyone else. Shades Apart was really good. We listened to them for a while, then decided to get a soda because our throats heart. The music was so loud you had to scream to be heard. On the way back, we spotted Ange and talked to her for a while. By that time, we were getting cold, so we got our jackets on. In order to get our jackets, we had to weave our way through the really big crowd in front of the stage. We were also trying to find everyone else, because 3 Doors Down was coming on soon. We couldn’t find them, so were went back to where Leslie was, and found them. Lora or Alison {I forgot which one} had gotten hit in the head with a crowd surfer. Ouch. We went back to the merchandise and practally everyone got the Shades Apart cd. We all found a spot in front of the sound area, and Aubrey, Lora, Aubrey’s dad, and I sat on the railing so we could see 3 Doors Down. Everyone else stood in front of us. Right before the concert began, Will got hit in the head with a plastic bag filled with bottles. I think some stupid jocks from our school had thrown it. Grrrr. 3 Doors Down finally came on and played. In the third song, somebody threw a plastic bottle filled with liquor at my head, and I think it hit Alison’s head too. It hurt a lot, and my hair and the back of my jacket were soaked for the rest of the concert. Sam got some of it in her eyes, and it hurt her a lot. If I ever find out who threw that….. Anyway, 3 Doors Down was really good. I think they played all of their songs from The Better Life, plus 4 new ones. We took turns sitting on the railing and standing in front of it. I kept jumping, because that was the only way I could see well {I’m 5’ 2”}. It was a lot of fun, and we sang to all the songs. This one guy, who was like 8 feet or something, stood in front of us for while, and we got smushed a few times from these really big guys walking by.
After 3 Doors Down was done, most of the crowd was gone. We saw Shades Apart, and they were signing stuff, so I got all three of them to sign my cd, my sticker, and my arm. We talked to them for a little while, and they were really nice. Besides us, there weren’t many people they, so we got to talk to them much longer than Econoline Crush. Our crowd was big though. There was Sam, Nicky, Alison, Lora, Matt, Will, Chad, and I. Leslie kinda stood back. We left soon after, and waited in from of one of the college buildings for my mom and Nicky’s mom to pick us up. These three guys walked by and one of them said, “ Wow, there really are eight!” He kinda shook his and and was like, “Whoa!” He thought Leslie had eight kids!!! That was really funny. A little while later, our rides came and we went home.


Email: silverblink68@yahoo.com