chapter five

" hey laura, wanna ride with me?" cassy asked laura after brunch.alex was a cash register off to the side, paying for their meal.
" yeh, i guess so." cassy bounced out of the restaurant and into hers and alex's car. she rolled her eyes as laura walked exaggeratedly slow to the car. leisurely opening the door and dropping into the passenger's seat. " what's your problem?" laura grumbled.
" i have something to tell you." she pulled out of the parking lot a little to quickly. she paused and stated cautiously, " you're a bit cranky this morning."
" daniel just found out i'm a wiccan and he's not talking to me."
" he just found out? and he's not talking to you? that's weird....." she paused again, thinking over the situation. she shrugged, and grinned. " well, i have good news."
" yeh?"
" yup! i ran into dave the other day and he was asking about you..." she laughed, not able to contain her excitement. " he said he really missed you, so i invited him to our wedding!" she squealed, looking over at laura, who was staring at her in shock. " what? why are you looking at me like that?"
" you invited him to your wedding."
" yeh......"
" you're not trying to get us back together are you? because if you are-"
" laura! no, of course not! he just seemed so eager......."
" yeh, you know why?"
" why?"
" because he didn't want us to break up."
cassy frowned. " why did you break up with him anyway?"
" cause he had to leave."
" right." she blinked innocently.
" what? don't you believe me?"
" no."
" why not?"
" two were fighting before he left....."
" no we weren't."
" why did you break up with him?"
" i don't know!"
" fine! you don't need to shout at me."
" sorry."
they paused.
" where are we going?" laura asked finally, looking out the window.
" to the beach."
" the beach?"
" yup."
" ok."

daniel stepped out of alex's car onto the hot pavement and watched as cassy pulled into a parking space. laura stepped out, and after looking at him for a brief moment, she followed the others out onto the sandy beach. he frowned, then sprinted after her and grabbed her arm.
" wait!"
he let her go and stepped back, so they were facing each other.
" can we talk? about....last night?" he stammered, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.
" what's to talk about?"
" umm..well, i....uh..why? no, wait! that's not what i meant. i just d-don't understand...." he looked down at his feet.
" what don't you understand?" she asked softly. she titled her head slightly, which made a strand of hair fall over her forehead. daniel blushed. " what?" she asked. " why are you acting so weird." pausing as she tucked the stray hair back behind her hear, she added quietly, " you weren't like this before you knew i was a witch."
" no!" he burst out. " no. i....well....i wanna kiss you." he swallowed, and peered cautiously at her through his bangs. she was staring at him in suprise.
" that's all?"
" well.........sorta. but we can talk about the witch thing another time...." he took at step forward, placing his hands on her waist. as they kissed, daniel ran his hand through her hair and down her spine, making her shiver. they broke apart, grinning at each other. now feeling more at ease, daniel took her hand and walked onto the sand, feeling giddy.

the guy positioned himself so when he looked in the tiny, hand-held mirror, he had a clear view of sam. he liked what he saw. a lot.
' forget about laura, ' he thought to himself, ' i want her.'

chapter 6
chapter 4
chapter 3
chapter 2
chapter 1
stories page
