chapter seven

dave! nice to see you! what are you doing here?" alex called, slapping dave on the back.
" hey alex. just thought i'd stop by." dave looked around their apartment. " is laura here?"
" she should be. they're late."
" 'they're'? "
" yeh, she's staying with daniel...i don't think you've met him."
" no, i don't think i have. " he frowned. " are they a couple?"
" uh, yeh..." alex bit his lip guiltily.
" and they're living together?"
" yeh." dave's frown deepened.
" don't worry about it though, " alex said, trying to offer dave some comfort.
their front door burst open and a very stressed laura entered, followed by a worried looking daniel. laura looked and saw dave.
" dave." she said softly, giving him a hug.
" laura." daniel eyebrows narrowed. this hug was lasting way to long. alex, seeing daniel's expression, touched laura's arm and asked her what was wrong.
she sighed. " ty called me." alex and dave both stared at her.
" ty?" alex finally managed to spit out.
" yeh."
" wow."
" yeh. "
" are you ok?"
" i think so." she crossed her arms in front of her, adverting her eyes. they'd talk about it later.

the group gathered around the TV as cassie popped in a video. daniel glanced at laura, who was sitting next to him, and wondered why she wouldn't touch him. it bothered him. especially when her saw dave rub her arm reassuringly.
later, when the first movie ended, daniel found himself in the kitchen alone with alex, gathering snacks and drinks for the group.
" don't worry about dave." alex said, not looking up from the soda he was pouring.
" i can't help it." he muttered.
" i know. believe me though, laura will not cheat on you. after what happened with her and trent...." he sighed. " i still can't believe he followed her here."
" laura seems to have a lot of guys going after her." daniel said, looking directly at alex.
" sounds cool, but it really sucks for her."
" i know." daniel looked back down at the veggies he was cutting. " i just hope she stays with me."
alex looked up at daniel. " so do i."

" alex?" cassie turned over in their bed.
" hmmmm?" he murmured, half asleep.
" c’mon." she whined, pushing his shoulder. " i need to talk to you about dave."
" ok, ok. i'm awake." he turned to face her. " what's up?"
" he still likes laura a lot, you know."
" yeh..."
" yeh, well....i think she likes him to."
" what?"
" hello? it's kinda obvious."
" oh god...." alex moaned and buried his head in his pillow.
" what?"
" i think laura should move to a desert island with daniel and not have contact with anyone else."
" why daniel?"
" cause he's.....i feel more comfortable with daniel being with her than dave."
" it's not your decision."
" i know." he sighed.
" why do you feel more comfortable with daniel than dave?"
" well, daniel and i talk more and stuff. dave and i talk and everything, it just feels like he's forcing it. when laura and dave were going out, dave hardly said anything to me, and laura never told me anything about what's going on with them. laura and daniel just feel right, you know?"
" i think so. "
" anyway, i don't like the way he was touching laura tonight and making daniel doubt his and laura's relationship."
cassie flopped on her back.
" what?"
" i don't trust daniel." she said, biting her lower lip.
" why?" alex exclaimed.
" i don't know."
" well, it's not up to us."
" i know." she sighed, turned over, and fell asleep.

chapter six
chapter five
chapter four
chapter three
chapter two
chapter one
stories page
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