chapter nine

Laura closed her eyes and sighed, trying to fall asleep. She could hear Daniel breathing, and felt his warmth as he lay beside her. She felt something poke at her stomach and opened her eyes. Daniel was staring at her.
" What?" She whispered.
" I can't sleep."
" Me either."
Something crashed downstairs and they both jumped up, startled.
" What was that?" Laura whispered.
" I dunno."
" Are you gonna find out?"
" No."
Laura narrowed her eyes at him. " Wussy. I will." She started to get up, but her grabbed her waist.
" No, I was just kidding. I'll go check."
" I wanna go too."
" Ok."
They crept out of bed and to the stairwell. A dark silhouette was creeping up the stairs. Daniel reached out on the wall next to them and switched on the hall light.
" Holy shit Alex, why are you here?" Laura exclaimed as her eyes adjusted to the light.
Alex grinned sheepishly. " Sorry, I'm so nervous that I could sleep."
" Well you scared the hell outta us." Daniel mumbled.
Alex narrowed his eyes at them. " Are you guys sleeping together?"
Daniel blushed. " In the same bed, yes."
" Why?"
" Well, it's kinda scary all alone, especially with people breaking in." Laura said.
Alex gave her a look. " I can't help it, ok? You guys are very comforting. Lets watch a movie or something." He grinned at them.
" Uh…Alex? It's 1 AM, and you're getting married tomorrow. I think you should try to get some sleep." Laura said.
" Yeh." Daniel agreed. Alex gave them another look.
" Yeh, sure you guys wanna get rid of me. Who knows what you were doing before I showed up."
" Alex….we were sleeping. Which is what you should be doing. Goodnight!" Laura turned around and started back into their room.
" Wait!" Alex grabbed her arm. " Can I watch TV downstairs? I don't wanna wake Cassie up." He looked at them with a pleading look.
" Yeh." Daniel said.
" And…maybe you guys could sit with me? You don't have to be awake…."
Laura and Daniel exchanged a look. " Yeh, c'mon." They filed downstairs, and plopped down on the couch. Soon later, Laura and Daniel were fast asleep, both leaning against Alex.

Cassie rolled over and looked at Alex. He was sleeping soundly. She sighed and got up to make breakfast. She was in the kitchen, toasting some toast, when Laura walked through the door.
" Hey, Cass! Today's your big day!" Laura grinned at her. " I brought bagels!"
" You're really hyper." Cassie grumbled.
" I'm tired."
" Is Daniel coming?"
" Yeh, he's finding a parking spot."
Cassie chuckled. " You sound like you're married."
" Yeh right. Where's Alex?" Laura Asked, slicing a bagel.
" Sleeping. You know how he gets when he's tired."
" Yeh…" Laura pushed the bagel in the toaster. " He came over at one last night to watch TV."
" Really? Why?" Cassie grabbed some orange juice out of their tiny fridge.
" He couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake you up." She frowned as the bagel popped up, burnt.
" Yeh, and ya know what?" Alex asked from the doorway.
" What?" Cassie hugged him good morning.
" Laura and Daniel were sleeping together!"
" What??" She pulled away from him.
" It's not like it sounds…"
" What's not like it sounds?" Daniel asked as he walked in. " What's burnt?"
" You guys slept together!?" Cassie exclaimed.
Daniel blushed. " What?" he asked feebly. " Hey, how about we eat some bagels?" Laura interrupted. She held one up. "They're freshly burnt!"

" Ohmygod. I'm gonna barf." Cassie clutched her stomach.
" No, you don't want to do that. Umm…do you want a mint? That'll make you feel better…."
" Laura, food? Are you crazy?"
They were in Cassie and Alex's room, getting ready, and Cassie had just changed into her wedding dress.
" Ok…uh…would you like some water?"
" I'm getting married. I'm gonna be spending my whole life with Alex. We're gonna have kids and grow old together…." Cassie said in a soft voice.
" That's a good thing, Cass!"
" Yeh, I know…."

" You know, I'm getting married today."
Daniel laughed. " Yeh…it's kinda been on our minds for awhile now."
Daniel had driven Alex over to his house after breakfast to get ready. Alex was sitting on Daniel's bed, staring into space while Daniel searched his closet for shoes.
" I'm gonna be a daddy."
" WHAT?" Daniel yelped, poking his head out the closet.
Alex frowned, then realized what he said. " No! Not anytime soon….Just, you know…eventually."
" Ok, good. You almost gave me a heat attack."
Alex grinned. " Sorry. Can you help my put on my bowtie?"

chapter ten
chapter eight
chapter seven
chapter six
chapter five
chapter four
chapter three
chapter two
chapter one
stories page
