Welcome.. you are about to enter LaLa's Page, note that this site was prepared by LaLa, a programmer. Thus this site is laden with state of the art technical musings.... Because of that, the site seems to not work with netscape as well. The page uses a ton of javavascript (and VBScript and Perl) and thats why. So if you only have netscape.. well actually you're barely even looking at this aren't you! Well just DOWNLOAD MSIE here (and join the modern age)... check the site out and feel free to Email me fer source code or comment. |
#1 Search Site on Net ! <--thanx to you all  
Need an FTP client ? <-x- CuteFtpv3.0 (c) 1999 LaLa, All Rights Reserved
My URL: http://get.to/lalaspage
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MaD FuN with LaLa...LaLa's Last WEB Pages :
Go ahead...Call some CLOWN in NY or LA.* http://itizlala.freeservers.com
(World Time Applet)
Ohh no, it's LaLa's 1st animation. panic button
Need [<-Download s-Xting zip of Mail Controls here.]
Need [<-Download s-Xting zip here.]
I got it for free at http://come.to