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My Writings

Hanson Writings

Cold Nights
It got cold sometimes at night. Some windows didn’t shut all the way. The one bedroom we had stayed warm though. We had a kitchen and a living room. That’s it. We were young and out on our own in our apartment. We wanted freedom, independence, some place without parental guidance, where we could do as we wanted. We ended up in New York, dirt poor...

The Letter
Hey. I'd write, "remember me?" but I know you remember me, so why waste the space. I know you looked at the return address, and you're either in shock, or wondering why the hell it took me so long to write or get in touch with you, or maybe why I'm even bothering. There's on reason, and one reason only, I miss you Tay. But maybe that's also the reason we haven't spoke in over a year. I'm sorry, there's so much to say. I'm back home in Tulsa. I have been for awhile. I took a break from college; I needed a break for a reason, which is the point of this letter. I went past the lake, our lake, yesterday, and I sat at it for hours, and that's when I decided to write you. I thought of all the reasons I should, but also all the reasons I shouldn't. I guess it's not everyday your best friend drops off the face of the earth and you quit hearing from her totally. Again, all I can say is that I'm so sorry. The lake is exactly the same Taylor. Just the way we left it. And yes, I though of that night...

The Response
My Autumn-
Hey. Well, I got your letter 2 days ago. I would have called you, but it's so much easier to say things on paper, even to you.

When I saw the letter in my mailbox, I was so happy and relieved to hear from you, I never really knew what happened to you, obviously a lot...

Fourth Of July
We continued to talk for almost half an hour , which only seemed like minutes to me. Every once in a while I had to take deep breathes to slow my pounding heart down, but other than that I was fine. I felt like I needed to pinch myself. This all has to be a dream. Not only was he breath taking in the looks, but he was also amazingly sweet and nice. I realized his tendency to blush a lot at almost every other thing one of us said. Why I don't know… but it was pretty cute. We talked about everything you could think of, all over a roar of people and music.

"I think the fireworks are gonna start soon, so you maybe wanna go watch them together?" Taylor said to me.

"Yeah, that's be great." My mind began racing. Watching the fireworks? With him Alone? How exactly did I get in this situation? I'm never this lucky. He must just want someone to hang out with, since he doesn't know anyone else here. Yeah, that must be it...

Angel Standing By
"Hey, why aren't you wet?" Zac was soaked to the bone. His clothes were clung to his body and his long blond hait was matted down to his head. She, on the other hand, was not wet at all. She just sort of walked through the rain. Zac didn't quite get it, the rain was hitting her, but she was completely dry.

"I'm just not." And she left it at that.

How's It Going To Be?
"I want out of this Isaac! I want out of this!" she yelled, even though she had promised herself she wouldn't. They yelled too much already, they didn't need to at the end. "I want out of this." Mara repeated more softly, almost as if she were telling herself.

The look scared and vulnerable look in his eyes was replaced with a look of anger and hatred. "Fine, leave." He said flatly.

Mara picked up her bags. She was finally leaving, they way she had wanted to so many times before, just never having the courage to do it. She thought about what she was doing, wondering if it was the right thing. She rested her mind and walked towards the door.

Have A Little Faith In Me
"I'm scared Kelley"

"Scared of what? Not getting signed? Tay, someone is gonna sign you don't worry about it…" Kelley said with reassurance.

"I was scared of that, for a long time actually, and I still am scared of that happening, but then I thought about it a little more… I'm scared of being signed, that's what I'm scared of. Everything will change Kelley and you know it."

Moffatt Writings

“You’re lemonade it ready.” I handed it to him. He said thanks and paid me.

“What’s your name?” he bluntly asked me. I think it startled me a bit when he asked me, because I felt myself jump a bit. I hope it wasn’t noticeable.

“Oh, umm…It’s Madison.”

“Pretty name.” He drawled.

“Thanks,” I felt myself turning red. “What’s yours?” I mine as well have asked him since he asked me.


The clock struck midnight. Sitting in a small room listening to the emotions of him through his guitar. The lit cigarette dangling from his mouth. The music stopping as he tapped his cigarette in the ashtray and wrote something down. His dark chesnut hair turned to blond in the front. His long hair was messy from his hands running through it. His hands. The hands of a guitar player. The hands of a man. No more boyishness was left, as there was when I first met him.
