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The information you see on this page is 100% accurate and is taken from the most reliable sources.

I am asking you not to take ANY of the following information or pictures for any homepage, club, e-mail, newsletter, or anything else. Thank you. The newest !!Exclusive!! information will be placed on top for those of you continous vewiers.

NEWS FOR January 25th, 2000

The twins have come back from a recent skiing trip in Utah (Jan 13-17) and this week they have finals at school. They have been preparing a long time ahead.
This year they are no longer in the school they attended for the past 8 years (k-7). Science is their hardest subject, so they will be studying hardest for that. The twins like to quiz each other when studying.
On Feb. 1st they will be filming a 3rd appearance on the Donnie & Marie show. The airdate is not yet known.
Three new movies are planned this summer, as well as yet another SWS Cruise, this one to Russia. It's my dad's dream to visit Russia and my dream to meet the twins but do you think we can go on the cruise? Of course not. Why does it have to be so expensive?
One of the 3 full length movies will be filmed in April in AUSTRALIA!!!! It has always been my wish to go there! I have done endless school projects on it! All you Aussie fans are lucky and my have a chance to meet the twins this April.
Both twins are interested in Alternative Rock music. They like Dave Matthews Band, Counting Crows, Blink 182, stuff like that.
There will not be any more Adventure videos. The next You're Invited video is called School Dance Party. After that there will be no more. The twins have decided to focus on more higher level projects instead of 30 minute films.
As most of you know, a new series is in the works. It probably wont air for another year though because with 3 movies to film this summer, there is no time to film a TV series. Maybe next summer....

NEWS FOR October 21st, 1999

GUESS WHAT EVERONE???? The twins will be on Donny and Marie tomorrow... mostly everyone knows that... BUT did you know that in PTP the twins get their first kiss? Of course you did. But was it their REAL first kiss? NO!!!!!!!! Our sweet little girls have ALREADY at the age of 13 had their FIRST KISS!!!! They won't be Sweet 16!

ALSO!!! Clothes they wear in Passport To Paris they also wore in the Fashion Party video.
ALSO!!! Mary-Kate chose to cut and re-style her hair since we last saw them in the Fox Family Bday Bash, while Ashley chose to let hers grow. (As you can see from the picture above- thanks to Andi).
Be sure to watch the show!


Wanna see Exclusive Information from the beginning when this page started? Then go to the Exclusive Section for 1997!!!

How about a TON of Exclusive Info from 1998?!?!?! That year was Jam-Packed!!! You HAVE to check it out! Go to the Exclusive Section for 1998!!!

© Copyright 1997-1999 Jessica L.