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Tall and blonde, he looks like a "god" fact he just had some burnt offerings for supper last night!!!!
Click the "LIPS" and listen to Chris order dinner

Chris has changed alot over the years,
just listen to what one of his first girl freinds said about him....


The first album, My Friend Adam, was recorded in April of 1996, and
was released under the name "Mr. Kazoo and the Fabulous Blender
Children". The single from this album was "Y-O-Y (do you have to be a
lesbian)" was the most requested song on Ryerson Radio for an entire weekend.
Other songs, such as "Me" and "Fantasy World" also were regular rotation on local College stations.

Another music clip...

for best results: turn up the volume first!!!!

Download Chris's favorite PRANK, trust me it is harmless!!!
Once you have the file, create a desktop shortcut, double click to start... then enjoy!!!

My Favorite Links

So You want some Abuse...

Interesting Windows'95 Themes
