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Trades for the month of December 1999

Date	Time	Trade	Price	Profit	Loss	Cum P&L	Cum  P&L (RM)

1-Dec	900	Op Long	-740			0	0
	1245	Exit	735.5	0	-4.5	-4.5	-570
		Short	735.5			-4.5	-570
	1600	Exit	-738	0	-2.5	-2.5	-940
		Long	-738			-2.5	-940
3-Dec	1200	Exit	737.5	0	-0.5	-3	-1110
		Short	737.5			-3	-1110
	1700	Exit	-737.5	0	0	-3	-1230
		Long	-737.5			-3	-1230
6-Dec	1500	Exit	739.5	2	0	-1	-1150
		Short	739.5			-1	-1150
	1600	Exit	-741.3	0	-1.8	-2.8	-1450
		Long	-741.3			-2.8	-1450
7-Dec	1600	Exit	750	8.7	0	5.9	-700
		Short	750			5.9	-700
8-Dec	1700	Exit	-751	0	-1	4.9	-920
		Long	-751			4.9	-920
9-Dec	900	Exit	749.1	0	-1.9	3	-1230
		Short	749.1			3	-1230
	1000	Exit	-751.5	0	-2.4	0.6	-1590
		Long	-751.5			0.6	-1590
10-Dec	1100	Exit	762	10.5	0	11.1	-660
		Short	762			11.1	-660
13-Dec	1000	Exit	-761	1	0	12.1	-680
		Long	-761			12.1	-680
14-Dec	1100	Exit	782.5	21.5	0	33.6	1350
		Short	782.5			33.6	1350
15-Dec	1245	Exit	-783	0	-0.5	33.1	1180
		Long	-783			33.1	1180
17-Dec	1600	Exit	796.5	13.5	0	46.6	2410
		Short	796.5			46.6	2410
20-Dec	1245	Exit	-801.5	0	-5	41.6	1790
		Long	-801.5			41.6	1790
	1700	Exit	800.5	0	-1	40.6	1570
		Short	800.5			40.6	1570
21-Dec	1245	Exit	-800.9	0	-0.4	40.2	1410
		Long	-800.9			40.2	1410
22-Dec	1100	Exit	800	0	-0.9	39.3	1200
		Short	800			39.3	1200
23-Dec	1000	Exit	-797	3	0	42.3	1380
		Long	-797			42.3	1380
	1500	Exit	792.5	0	-4.5	37.8	810
		Short	792.5			37.8	810
24-Dec	900	Exit	-794	0	-1.5	36.3	540
		Long	-794			36.3	540
	1714	Exit	791.4	0	-2.6	33.7	160
		Short	791.4			33.7	160
27-Dec	900	Exit	-793.9	0	-2.5	31.2	-210
		Long	-793.9			31.2	-210
	1600	Exit	797.5	3.6	0	34.8	30
		Short	797.5			34.8	30
28-Dec	1600	Exit	-800.9	0	-3.4	31.4	-430
		Long	-800.9			31.4	-430
29-Dec	1200	Exit	801	0.1	0	31.5	-540
		Short	801			31.5	-540
	1715	Exit	-803.5	0	-2.5	29	-910
		Long	-803.5			29	-910
30-Dec	1600	Exit	812	8.5	0	37.5	-180
	a	Short	812			37.5	-180
			-810.9	1.1	0	38.6	-190
Number of trades		30 (1 breadeven)	
No of winners			10		
No of losers			18		
Avg winning trade (gross)	735.0		
Avg losing trade (gross)	218.9		
Largest Winning trade		2030.0		
Largest Losing trade		620.0		
Gross Profit			7350		
Gross Loss			3940		
Gross P&L			3410		
Commissions (RM120)		3600		
Net Profit (Ringgit) 		-190		
Return (margin RM6,600)		-2.88%