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Trades for the month of Feb 1999

Date    Time    Trade   Price   Profit  Loss    Cumul P&L

2-Feb   900     Long    -611                    0
        1500    Exit    597.6   0       -13.4   -13.4
        1500    Short   597.6                   -13.4
3-Feb   1500    Exit    -586.5  11.1    0       11.1
        1500    Long    -586.5                  11.1
        1700    Exit    578.5   0       -8      3.1
        1700    Short   579.5                   3.1
4-Feb   900     Exit    -584    0       -4.5    -1.4
        900     Long    -584                    -1.4
5-Feb   900     Exit    587     3       0       1.6
        900     Short   587                     1.6
9-Feb   1100    Exit    -526.5  60.5    0       62.1
        1100    Long    -526.5                  62.1
10-Feb  1245    Exit    554.9   28.4    0       90.5
        1245    Short   554.9                   90.5
        1600    Exit    -562    0       -7.1    83.4
        1600    Long    -562                    83.4
        1700    Exit    554     0       -8      75.4
        1700    Short   554                     75.4
11-Feb  900     Exit    -560    0       -6      69.4
        900     Long    -560                    69.4
12-Feb  1500    Exit    588     28      0       97.4
        1500    Short   588                     97.4
19-Feb  900     Exit    -569    19      0       116.4
        900     Long    -569                    116.4
        1200    Exit    563     0       -6      110.4
        1200    Short   563                     110.4
        1245    Exit    -565    0       -2      108.4
        1245    Long    -565                    108.4
22-Feb  1100    Exit    568.5   3.5     0       111.9
        1100    Short   568.5                   111.9
        1600    Exit    -569    0       -0.5    111.4
        1600    Long    -569                    111.4
23-Feb  1100    Exit    566     0       -3      108.4
        1100    Short   566                     108.4
        1500    Exit    -566.6  0       -0.6    107.8
        1500    Long    -566.6                  107.8
24-Feb  1000    Exit    566     0       -0.6    107.2
        1000    Short   566                     107.2
25-Feb  1600    Exit    -540.6  25.4    0       132.6
        1600    Long    -540.6                  132.6
                        545     4.4     0       137
Number of trades                21                      
No of winners                   9                       
No of losers                    12                      
Avg winning trade (gross))      2036.7                  
Avg losing trade (gross))       497.5                   
Gross Profit                    18330                   
Gross Loss                      5970            
Net P&L                             12360           
Commissions (1.2)               2520            
Net Profit (Ringgit)            9840            
Return (margin RM6,000)         164.00%