System results for 1998 P&L Cumulative P&L ------------------------------- Jan 15410 15410 Feb 9320 24730 Mar 2030 26760 Apr 12890 39650 May 7160 46810 June 12000 58810 July 6340 65150 Aug 10170 75320 Sep 20030 95350 Oct 1970 97320 Nov 10560 107880 Dec 3050 110930 -------------------------------------------------------------
Month | Profit/Loss (RM) | Cumulative P&L |
Jan | 1370 | 1370 |
Feb | 9640 | 11010 |
Mar | -1460 | 9550 |
Apr | 1760 | 9850 |
May | 9150 | 19000 |
Jun | 5800 | 24800 |
jul | 3070 | 27870 |
Aug | 10140 | 38010 |
Sep | 8050 | 46060 |
Oct | 6420 | 52480 |
Nov | -5500 | 46980 |
Dec | -190 | 46790 |
Month | Profit/Loss (RM) | Cumulative P&L |
Jan | 6520 | 6520 |
Feb | 1410 | 7930 |
Mar |
The system is based on an engineering concept, generating an indicator line which tends to show the prevailing manor trend. It utilises 60 minute closing prices of the spot contract. It can be subject to whipsaws with some discretion in putting on trades important. Experience counts a lot. The trades shown here are mechanical. The actual trigger prices for the "turn" signals can be refined. You can now check the current signals generated below Trading philosophy Systematic or mechanical system like this will remove the emotional element from trading the Kloffe market, which like most futures markets can be treacherous due to the large players squeezing the "small fish" out of the market. How often have you had a position stopped out only to see the market reverse immediately in your direction. The big or "institutional" players suffer from an illusion that they are skillful and that they are "bigger" than the market. The actual fact is that The person calling the shots are gambling with not their personal wealth but with other people's money, so they can be blatantly aggressive in their "squeezes" of the market. However, the bigger you are, the harder you can fall. The moral of the story is that if you are using bows and arrows to fight someone with a cannon, because you are more accurate with your shots, the big player with his cannon cannot foil your attempt to consistently make profits from the market. Interested in making money consistently? The F8 system is available to be used on Tradestation Email: toh_keith@hotmail.comto find out more.