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general information purposes and does and must not be construed to constitute 
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responsibility for any financial detriment

Trades for the month of:
June 2000
July 2000
August 2000
September 2000

Trades for the month of May 2000

Date	Time	Trade	Price	Profit	Loss	Cum P&L	Cum  P&L (RM)

2-May	900	Op Long	-917			0	0
	1600	Exit	911.8	0	-5.2	-6.4	-640
		Short	911.8			-6.4	-640
	1700	Exit	-914.5	0	-2.7	-10.3	-1030
		Long	-914.5			-10.3	-1030
	1715	Exit	913.5	0	-1	-12.5	-1250
		Short	913.5			-12.5	-1250
3-May	1600	Exit	-908	5.5	0	-8.2	-820
		Long	-908			-8.2	-820
4-May	900	Exit	905.4	0	-2.6	-12	-1200
		Short	905.4			-12	-1200
	1100	Exit	-911	0	-5.6	-18.8	-1880
		Long	-911			-18.8	-1880
	1200	Exit	908.5	0	-2.5	-22.5	-2250
		Short	908.5			-22.5	-2250
	1245	Exit	-910	0	-1.5	-25.2	-2520
		Long	-910			-25.2	-2520
5-May	1500	Exit	919.5	9.5	0	-16.9	-1690
		Short	919.5			-16.9	-1690
	1700	Exit	-928	0	-8.5	-26.6	-2660
		Long	-928			-26.6	-2660
8-May	1200	Exit	930.1	2.1	0	-25.7	-2570
		Short	930.1			-25.7	-2570
9-May	1245	Exit	-925.1	5	0	-21.9	-2190
		Long	-925.1			-21.9	-2190
10-May	900	Exit	924	0	-1.1	-24.2	-2420
		Short	924			-24.2	-2420
	1100	Exit	-925.5	0	-1.5	-26.9	-2690
		Long	-925.5			-26.9	-2690
11-May	900	Exit	919	0	-6.5	-34.6	-3460
		Short	919			-34.6	-3460
12-May	900	Exit	-917	2	0	-33.8	-3380
		Long	-917			-33.8	-3380
	1100	Exit	908.5	0	-8.5	-43.5	-4350
		Short	908.5			-43.5	-4350
	1500	Exit	-912	0	-3.5	-48.2	-4820
		Long	-912			-48.2	-4820
	1715	Exit	907	0	-5	-54.4	-5440
		Short	907			-54.4	-5440
15-May	1200	Exit	-906	1	0	-54.6	-5460
		Long	-906			-54.6	-5460
17-May	1100	Exit	926	20	0	-35.8	-3580
		Short	926			-35.8	-3580
	1500	Exit	-935	0	-9	-46	-4600
		Long	-935			-46	-4600
	1700	Exit	933	0	-2	-49.2	-4920
		Short	933			-49.2	-4920
19-May	1100	Exit	-942	0	-9	-59.4	-5940
		Long	-942			-59.4	-5940
22-May	900	Exit	955	13	0	-47.6	-4760
		Short	955			-47.6	-4760
23-May	1715	Exit	-929.5	25.5	0	-23.3	-2330
		Long	-929.5			-23.3	-2330
24-May	900	Exit	913	0	-16.5	-41	-4100
		Short	913			-41	-4100
	1700	Exit	-905	8	0	-34.2	-3420
		Long	-905			-34.2	-3420
25-May	1200	Exit	898	0	-7	-42.4	-4240
		Short	898			-42.4	-4240
	1500	Exit	-903	0	-5	-48.6	-4860
		Long	-903			-48.6	-4860
26-May	1000	Exit	885	0	-18	-67.8	-6780
		Short	885			-67.8	-6780
	1500	Exit	-883	2	0	-67	-6700
		Long	-883			-67	-6700
30-May	1100	Exit	906.2	23.2	0	-45	-4500
		Short	906.2			-45	-4500
31-May	900	Exit	-917	0	-10.8	-57	-5700
		Long	-917			-57	-5700
	1700	Exit	915	0	-2	-59	-6020
		Short	915			-59	-6020
			-915.3	0	-0.3	-59.3	-6170
Number of trades		36				
No of winners		12			
No of losers		24			
Avg winning trade (gross)	853.3
Avg losing trade (gross)	443.75
Largest Winning trade	2430.0			
Largest Losing trade	1920.0			
Gross Profit		11680			
Gross Loss		13530			
Gross P&L		-1850			
Commissions (RM120)	4320			
Net Profit (Ringgit) 		-6170			
Return (margin RM6,600)	-82.3%			

Date	Time	Trade	Price	Profit	Loss	Cum P&L	Cum  P&L (RM)

3-Apr	900	Op Long	-980			0	0
	1200	Exit	972.1	0	-7.9	-9.1	-910
		Short	972.1			-9.1	-910
4-Apr	900	Exit	-970.5	1.6	0	-8.7	-870
		Long	-970.5			-8.7	-870
	1600	Exit	968	0	-2.5	-12.4	-1240
		Short	968			-12.4	-1240
5-Apr	1714	Exit	-951	17	0	3.4	340
		Long	-951			3.4	340
7-Apr	1500	Exit	952	1	0	3.2	320
		Short	952			3.2	320
	1600	Exit	-956.5	0	-4.5	-2.5	-250
		Long	-956.5			-2.5	-250
10-Apr	1000	Exit	950	0	-6.5	-10.2	-1020
		Short	950			-10.2	-1020
	1600	Exit	-941.9	8.1	0	-3.3	-330
		Long	-941.9			-3.3	-330
11-Apr	1000	Exit	934.5	0	-7.4	-11.9	-1190
		Short	934.5			-11.9	-1190
	1245	Exit	-938.5	0	-4	-17.1	-1710
		Long	-938.5			-17.1	-1710
12-Apr	1600	Exit	938	0	-0.5	-18.8	-1880
		Short	938			-18.8	-1880
13-Apr	1500	Exit	-932	6	0	-14	-1400
		Long	-932			-14	-1400
14-Apr	900	Exit	927	0	-5	-20.2	-2020
		Short	927			-20.2	-2020
	1100	Exit	-935.3	0	-8.3	-29.7	-2970
		Long	-935.3			-29.7	-2970
17-Apr	900	Exit	892	0	-43.3	-74.2	-7420
		Short	892			-74.2	-7420
18-Apr	900	Exit	-888	4	0	-71.4	-7140
		Long	-888			-71.4	-7140
	1600	Exit	871	0	-17	-89.6	-8960
		Short	871			-89.6	-8960
19-Aug	900	Exit	-883.7	0	-12.7	-103.5	-10350
		Long	-883.7			-103.5	-10350
20-Aug	1200	Exit	879	0	-4.7	-109.4	-10940
		Short	879			-109.4	-10940
	1600	Exit	-880.2	0	-1.2	-111.8	-11180
		Long	-880.2			-111.8	-11180
21-Apr	1500	Exit	879.5	0	-0.7	-113.7	-11370
		Short	879.5			-113.7	-11370
	1700	Exit	-881	0	-1.5	-116.4	-11640
		Long	-881			-116.4	-11640
24-Apr	1000	Exit	880.5	0	-0.5	-118.1	-11810
		Short	880.5			-118.1	-11810
25-Apr	1100	Exit	-872.2	8.3	0	-111	-11100
		Long	-872.2			-111	-11100
26-Apr	1245	Exit	888	15.8	0	-96.4	-9640
		Short	888			-96.4	-9640
27/4/2000	1200	Exit	-898.7	0	-10.7	-108.3	-10830
		Long	-898.7			-108.3	-10830
			908	9.3	0	-100.2	-10020
Number of trades		27				
No of winners			9			
No of losers			18			
Avg winning trade (gross)	670
Avg losing trade (gross)	651.66
Largest Winning trade		1580.0			
Largest Losing trade		4450.0			
Gross Profit			7110			
Gross Loss			13890			
Gross P&L			-6780			
Commissions (RM120)		3240			
Net Profit (Ringgit) 		-10020			
Return (margin RM6,600)		-133.6%			

F8 System P&L: 2000

Month Profit/Loss (RM) Cumulative P&L
Jan 6520 6520
Feb 1410 7930
Mar 2390 10320

F8 System P&L: Jan to Dec 1999

Month Profit/Loss (RM) Cumulative P&L
Jan 1370 1370
Feb 9640 11010
Mar -1460 9550
Apr 1760 9850
May 9150 19000
Jun 5800 24800
jul 3070 27870
Aug 10140 38010
Sep 8050 46060
Oct 6420 52480
Nov -5500 46980
Dec -190 46790

Spot FKLI 60 min closing prices

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