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Local Membership: For Professional Traders-Direct Access Trading



Real time prices


Charts and trading techniques of interest

Crude Palm Oil Futures

Other products:

3 month KLIBOR Futures - Short term interest rate futures on the 3 month Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate (KLIBOR)
(recently open position and volume record)

3, 5 and 10 year MGS Futures - Futures on 5 year Malaysian Government Bonds
(recently open position and volume record)

Crude Palm Oil Kernel

Crude Palm Kernel Oil - Futures on the Palm Kernel Oil

Products to be launched

Single Share futures

Share options

Advantages and benefits of trading KLCI futures

If you own shares, or trade actively in shares, the CI futures contract (FKLI) provides multi faceted alternative trading and hedging strategies

1 Can short to hedge existing portfolio

2 Ability to short to take advantage of down movement. Note there is no short selling allowed for Malaysian equities

3 Likewise if your view is for a bull market, buying one futures contract is the same as buying a portfolio of the top 100 shares of the Composite Index, equivalent to Index value X RM50 value. For example if the index value is 850, then the value will be RM42,500. And the RM42,500 does not have to be paid up in full. A performance bond, known as margin of RM2,500-4,000 will have to be paid to the clearing house. This illustrates the advantage of leverage that futures affords.

Interested to trade? Two ways

1 As a Customer of a Futures Trading Member of MDEX
2 Lease or Buy a Local Membership. This holder or leasee has direct trading rights on MDEX. Trades are cleared through a clearing member of MDEX.
Has numerous advantages
a Speed of access to take advantage of impending market moves as and when they occur. Execution will take 1 to 2 seconds, compared to the 15 to 20 seconds for execution as a customer of a futures broker.
b Hugely discounted commission rates, typically will make profit from one tick move in the contract, as well as the priveledge to scratch trades, where a buy and a sell contract at the same price during the day will be at zero cost.


Right now there are several memberships for sale and lease. Those for sale will be at beneficial discount to the price to purchase from BursaMalaysia Derivatives. Range approx RM15,000 to RM16,000. Lease price is RM200/month.

To find out more email or call Toh +60126658213