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I look at you from across the room,
I ache to hold you close to me,
but I know it will never be.
I wonder what you see,
when you look at me.
At night I always dream of you,
I don't know what to do,
I do know that I love you,
is it possible that you love me too?
You cross the room and sit by me,
oh,how i wonder what you see.
You turn and look into my eyes,
those mysterious brown ryes look into mine.
I look away up towards the sky,
right now I'm feeling a little shy.
You lay your head upon my shoulder,
I start to feel a little bolder.
Our parents look at us in wonder,
outside we hear distant thunder.
My parents say it's time to go,
you lift yoour head very slow,
agian you look into my eyes,
impatiently my mother sighs.
I get up to leave and you stand up too,
I hope that tommorrow,I'll see you in school.
The next day in school you hand me a note,
I'm anxious to find out what you wrote.
The note says you wnat me to walk home with you,
I think that is really cool.
Today you asked me to walk hom,e with you,
tommorrow who knows what you will do.
Even if you don't love me,
I'll always love you.

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