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Crime Watch Manual

Directory of Crime Watch Manuals

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

1420 E. McGalliard Rd., Muncie, In (765)747-4890

Crime Watch Manual


    My name is Ervin Davis and I'd like to take this oportunity to welcome you to this Directory of my Crime Watch Manual.
    I have headed the oldest Crime Watch in east-central Indiana for twenty (20) years, since I launched this effort in 1980.
    During those years someone occationally asks suggestions about how they can start a Crime Watch in their own Neighborhood or how they might begin a Communitywide Crime Watch, and answering those inquiries has been quite time consuming.
    So I hope that by providing this information for Internet access, that it will appeal to a wider audiance, save my reinvestment of time answering identical inquiries, and better serve those seeking such assistance.
    Hopefully these suggestions will help YOUR family too, your neighbors and your community to become safer places.
    The results that you obtain in your particular Crime Watch situation will reflect our Morningside Crime Watch motto :
      "YOU only get out of something what YOU put into it !"

Crime Watch Manual

      • Chapter One : FIRST STEP : Situation Awareness and Objectives
      • Chapter Two : STARTUP : How to Start a Crime Watch
      • Chapter Three : REPORTING CRIME : What to report and How
      • Chapter Four : MEMBERSHIP : Incorporating and Communicating

Remember : "YOU only get out of something what YOU put into it !"
