* https://www.angelfire.com/me/kielmj/template.html*> * this is what the comments look like */> * **note: in the comments, commands are written with a front angle bracket but not an end bracket. in the code they need the end bracket but in the comments it just messes up the format. */> * first of all this is the title that appears at the top of the browser. you don't need a title necessarily but it helps to spiff up the page a little. */>
* all formatting commands appear with the angle brackets. any text inside of the brackets will not get shown on the page unless the command tells it to. ordinarily, whenever a command is given, it must end. example: when you center something, it should get uncentered. to stop a command type it again but with a forward slash in front of it. * the 'h' commands format text for a short while. the largest font starts at 1 and goes down from there. you can also use the
* this next one is just a line going across the page. */>
This is where you put a summary of what's in your page
here are a few ways to create links to other pages.
* the This is the name of your page as it appears on the page
It will be highligted so everyone will know it is a link.
and this is a simple picture as a link.
This is how i like to make alternative links. It's like a quick reference for the person looking at it.
I usually place them at the very bottom of a page.
Here is what is called an image map. it's a way of making links with a picture rather than plain text. first you have to know the size of the picture you're using, then you need to know where you want your links to be within the picture and find the coordinates for them. it's pretty neat and fun.
* Image Map */>
This is how to insert a normal picture. There several things you can do with the position of it and its size.
Here i've put them into a table to show how that works too.
* for tables, i don't know why, you can use
The more you snoop at other people's source pages the more you can find out how to change the picture. you can also pick up tips on writing code. for instance, i like to indent long commands just to keep things in order so you don't get lost reading it and you can make sure you close all the commands you need to.
i'll be adding more features for your pages later on. right now i'm quite short on time. :) thanks for stopping by!
This page was created by Matthew Kiel
Last updated September 3, 1998