Robin's song to the Beauty Pagent contestants.
"And now, here's Robin Quivers with, the news..."
"Shut up shut up" in a very annoying voice.
woman who recently went off on Robin. Telling Howard Robin's his puppet.
The winner of the contest for Robin's theme music.
Same as above, but in .wav format.
Old clip of Robin doing the weather from DC101 days.
Robin: "I don't care about that!!"
Robin: "I hope this doesn't bother you, but I've been imagining what you look like naked"
Robin (remarking on the picture of Bret Michaels' private parts) "Oh my goodness!!"
Robin "What are ya talking about??"
Robin's rollerblading number: "My breasts are alive, when I'm roller skating..."
Robin: "According to studies, only 40% of men..."
Howard and Robin discussing the "chosen people" with a skeptical caller.
Robin: "You're a genius Howard, you can't expect that everyone's going to be as smart as you."
Robin (commenting on the show Bewitched) "Any Dick will do"
Robin: "They'll be dancing on our graves"
Robin's run-in with Linda Ronstadt on the Leno.
A snippet of the "Quivers: A Life" Robin pontificating music.