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Parn is the main protagonist of the story. It is through him that we see the events of the Lodoss War unfold. He is headstrong, ambitious, very respectful of authority and inwardly arrogant, but only to the extent of taking on all challenges, in particular those that threaten his friends; just about qualities of a perfect knight.

Parn was the son of Tessius, a Knight of the Holy Order, and as such has grown up with high ambitions to be a knight himself. This resolve was not dampened when Tessius was marked as a disgrace to the knighthood. Instead, Parn sought to restore his family honor by becoming as good a knight as he could become.

The opportunity presents itself when goblins attack his village en masse. After the attack is driven off, Parn is sent by the mayor to 'represent' their village to the rest of Lodoss in the coming storm. At this point, Parn is little more than a clumsy bumpkin who can barely wield a sword, but as the adventure continues, Parn grows into a seasoned warrior.
