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About Me

I was born in Merrillville, Indiana on January 14, 1975. I currently live in Kouts, Indiana and I have 4 kids: Michael 12, Zachery 10, Alicia 9 and Jacob 8. I am currently dating a wonderful guy who works for a local fire department. We are anticiapting a wedding next year if everything goes well. I will then be a step-mom to 2 more kids. I can't wait!!!!

I have furthered my education and got my EMT-B license with the state of Indiana. I was licensed in September 2000. I take pride in being an EMT and I will be hopefully going to Paramedic school in the fall of 2003.

I am currently a member of NISAR (Northern Indiana Search and Rescue). I have a Golden Lab pup, Zoe, who is 6 months and training with NISAR. We have been in training since April of 2001. I am also currently involved with the American Red Cross Disaster Team in my County. I have been involved with them since August 2001. If you are interested in information on SAR, please email me and I would be happy to answer any questions you may. If you would like to find a local group to join, please visit WWW.NASAR.ORG.

I am a fan of Classical and Country music. Michael is currently taking trumpet lessons. Like me, Michael is a natural at playing and I am a very proud of him! I did play the cello while in middle school with Mr. Mitchell (who was the best teacher EVER!), but due to differences of the new teacher, I did not want to continue.

I am a big NASCAR fan and currently support Dale Earnhardt, Jr. I am still a #3 fan and hope that Jr. will progress like his dad. GO Jr!!!

I am proud of all my kids and each of them have a talent that shines.

I will add more as time goes on...
