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My Friends
Here are a few people in my life that makes living great,
gotta luv each one of them for being themselves
and taking the time to getting to know me *smiling*.
My Bestest Friend Forever
(since cloth diapers)


  Together, We will take over this world and make it ours.

hmmmmm or we like to 
think so anyway *laughing*

Do not mix us with Bacardi Rum We can be hazardous to your health !!!

 The babe who stole Luvee's heart
Just keep right on treating that chick at your side the best and she'll luv you forever.
"hehehe another friend since cloth diapers"


We may not live so close anymore and never get to just hang out and be retarded but it's always great to know that your still out there and thinking also that we'll always be friends... Friends Forever !!!

"Anne's man "


Haven't really met the guy in person yet but chatted with alot online since I helped him make a home page for him and Anne, damn didn't we have some confusing times :o) thank g-d we got thru all that.

Two remarkable women that can get you thru anything !!!

Can find her at the nearest pool table wooping someones butt at pool or sitting behind a computer enhancing her computer knowledge.

Just another computer geek, like the rest of us *laughing*


(with her daughter and grandchild) She's also Luvlee's aunt.

You can find her line dancing in the country clubs, she'll be the one who's the best one line dancing there.

Thank you both for being there for me and Luvlee
Your advice and knowing that you two are there for us are the greatest anyone can have.
Sucks to be everyone else for not knowing both of you *smiling*

My best Cyberfriend

Thanks for always being there for me *hugs*

Eventually, the both of us will find those special guys that'll always be there for us.

Lets just hope it's not the same guy 

"Dano *N*  Cindy" Dan and Cindy
 This is my cyber Bro and his wife. 

Sorry guys, I had to put 
this pic up, Dano looks 
so serious, I'm so use to 
him being so silly and 
all.*smiling* you two 
can kill me later. 

oh, Still waiting to find 
out if i was adopted yet, 
come on you guys, 

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