Lucianic. After the manner of Lucian, witty and scoffing. (f.Gk Loukianos / Lucian, Gk writer AD 190)
Anarchy. Absence of government. Leaderless.
Archetype. Original model, specimen; (Psych.) primordial mental image inherited by all; recurrent symbol or motif; Gk 'arkhetupon'.
Psirony, a concept that Psi manifests under conditions having an ironic or synchronistic nature to them.
'ladybrook' and other examples of Psirony.
"It's the thinking that causes change." - McKenna
I contacted some of these people, I interviewed them, asked them questions about their experiences and probed deeper into their backgrounds. These people included well known, credible scientists, politicians, ex-CIA, military, NASA, journalists, ex-CSICOPs, a mixed bunch. It became intriguing...
I had given everybody a fair crack of the whip, yet on both sides of the debate some people were clearly being deceptive, but what made me angry was finding out that some of the investigators - some of the 'skeptics' were more adept at deception and cheating than any of the 'woos' and 'believers' I had met along the way. It was a hard pill to swallow. I felt cheated by some of the very people who had lead me to believe that it was the 'woo' who always cheated.
Not only that, but the more I researched, the more I discovered about the reality of the so-called 'psi' effects, ranging from metal bending (PK) to telepathy (AC) which, by the late 90's, was being studied and replicated in labs across the world. The more I looked, the more I discovered that far from being 'pseudo-science', parapsychology was quietly inching forward, learning from its mistakes, taking humility on board, modifying on the suggestions of sceptics, but more than anything, getting results. Results which were subtle, tiny, yet measurable 'effects' which indicated that what humanity has reported and experienced throughout it's history on earth as 'paranormal phenomena', and although skewed through reportage, a palpable, real phenomena.
There were many things to consider. As this 'effect' did appear to be in existence, then why wasn't it common knowledge? Having previously studied sociology, psychology and politics, I drew on this knowledge and eventually, after going down many dark and frankly scary roads, I came to the conclusion that the effect had a consciousness independent of those experiencing it.
It appeared to be a sentient effect. It's link to human consciousness appeared to have one over-riding theme throughout. It had a sense of humour, it was ironic in nature and above all, It was completely uncontrollable. This fitted in. People HAD already discovered its existence and they had discovered the uncontrollable yet sentient nature of it.
The effect had the ultimate 'out' - human society could simply not allow it to exist, the implications were too incredible and far reaching. If religions and beliefs were already underpinning world economies and dictating wars and national sovereignty, then any uncontrollable independent conscious effect would simply put the complete existence of humanity into irretrievable, possibly fatal chaos. Whether the effect was an aspect of global consciousness, 'alien' or extra-dimensional didn't matter, it existed and, at this stage in our evolution, it was ...
Best Wishes.