The true cross in it's original reliquary
The True Cross
ca 33, Ex ligno crusis D.N.J.C.
St Louice de Marillac
1591-1660, De pulvere corpis, Foundress and patroness of social workers
St Vincent De Paul
1581-1660, Ex Ossibus, Founder
St Chatarine Laboré
d.1876, ex ossibus, Mystic who received the vision of the miraculous medal
St Elizabeth Ann Seton
1774-1821, De pulvere corpis, The first American-born saint
St Teresa of Avila
1515-1582, De pulvere corpis, Doctor of the Church
St Maximilian Kolbe
1894-1941, Ex indumento, Martyr
St Dominic
d. 1221, Ex indumentis, Founder of the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans
St John Neumann
1811-1860, Ex Ossibus, Bishop
Bl. Miguel Augustine Pro
1891-1927, Ex Arca Sepulcrali, Martyr
Bl. Mother Elisabeth Hesselblad
1870-1957, Ex Indumentis, Foundress
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
1901-1925, Ex Indumento, Lay apostolate
Bl. Marie-Leonie Paradis
1840-1912, Ex Ossibus, Foundress
Bl. Seelos
1832-1914, Ex ossibus
Bl. Rafka
1819-1867, Ex ossibus
Servant of God, Father Michael J. McGivney
1852-1890, Ex Indumentis, Founder
All my relics