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The sheer magnitude of saints in the Church demonstrates not only the universality of the Catholic faith but the centuries of mortal time in which men and women have confessed their beliefs and imitated Christ in their activities. The saints stays for entire generations of human beings who went to the far-flung corner of the world in the name of the Church, to care for the abandoned, the sick, and the poor, or to remain in cloisters to offer unceasing praise to Almighty God. All christians is part of the communion of saints. These relics are a few from my collection. I have about 50 relics in my collection.
A complete list of my relics

The true cross in it's original reliquary

The True Cross

ca 33, Ex ligno crusis D.N.J.C.

St Louice de Marillac

1591-1660, De pulvere corpis, Foundress and patroness of social workers

St Vincent De Paul

1581-1660, Ex Ossibus, Founder

St Chatarine Laboré

d.1876, ex ossibus, Mystic who received the vision of the miraculous medal

St Elizabeth Ann Seton

1774-1821, De pulvere corpis, The first American-born saint

St Teresa of Avila

1515-1582, De pulvere corpis, Doctor of the Church

St Maximilian Kolbe

1894-1941, Ex indumento, Martyr

St Dominic

d. 1221, Ex indumentis, Founder of the Order of Preachers, the Dominicans

St John Neumann

1811-1860, Ex Ossibus, Bishop

Bl. Miguel Augustine Pro

1891-1927, Ex Arca Sepulcrali, Martyr

Bl. Mother Elisabeth Hesselblad

1870-1957, Ex Indumentis, Foundress

Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

1901-1925, Ex Indumento, Lay apostolate

Bl. Marie-Leonie Paradis

1840-1912, Ex Ossibus, Foundress

Bl. Seelos

1832-1914, Ex ossibus

Bl. Rafka

1819-1867, Ex ossibus

Servant of God, Father Michael J. McGivney

1852-1890, Ex Indumentis, Founder

All my relics



  • The Cult of the Saints and Their Relics
  • Catholic Online's saints page
  • Brother Anthony's page (follow the relic link)
  • About Sacred Relics
  • Canonization Guild for Father Michael McGivney
  • Index of Saints