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MENTAL zine issue 5 reviews...


At times there are some fun rockin' riffs, but when you get to the point, there's nothing really exciting about something that has been done so many times by so many other bands. PORTABLE sounds to be another clone band of bad college music. The CD insert seems to be more appealing than the music. PORTABLE should be filed under college rock, and left to collect dust.


You gotta love NERF HERDER's kick ass BtVS theme, it's the best action instrumental for a television show I've heard in a long time. This BUFFY album should appeal to mortals, vampires, and slayers (those violent valley girl types, too) Fans of the show will suck this up, and be hypnotized into checking out the bands featured - that's part of the plan, right? The opening tracks to this album are what's happenin'. About a third way through this album, things fly into a heavy dose of those sappy love songs that to me are filler for the phony love relationships going on it the BUFFY television show - be warned though, those songs could grow on you if you open yourself to infection. SUPERFINE have a track called "ALREADY MET YOU" that is a silly twist thrown in there that'll wake you up a bit. It's kind of a surprise that there aren't any really straight-ahead electronica/industrial bands on this, grabbing GRAVITY KILLS would of made it slick. Noticeable vampire references: GARBAGE's track has SHIRLEY MANSON sing that's she's a vampire (I love the sound loop at the beginning of that track) and RASPUTINA's "TRANSYLVANIAN CONCUBINE" I'm noticing a lot of girl power on this CD too, female vocalists conquer this compilation - guess that's to suit the demographic? This release gets two stakes down (that's good, it keep the vampires grounded)


The underground UK punk invasion has arrived. ARTCORE FANZINE in Wales tag teams with BYO to release this five dollar sampler/compilation "...of the Best Of British Punk Rock" A lot of energy going on both musically and vocally - some with authentic British accents, some without, but to me it's all just one big yawn. The band SNUFF do a cover of I WILL SURVIVE. This release is all the evidence you need to be aware that British punk is still active. An interesting listen, but it won't get another replay from me.


The SWINGIN UTTERS' vocals remind me of SHANE MacGOWAN's vocal style, you know, alcohol destroyed/scratchy. It all sounds like that stupid whiskey drinkin' punk rock dance party music - like a punkier version of the POGUES. BYO won't be pleased, but I'm not here to please, I'm here to give my honest opinion. YOUTH BRIGADE is another punk dance party sounding band. If you think these bands are great, I guess you're an alcoholic. I suppose you'd buy beer before buying this, so what's the point of this release?


DNS are, as described by their label, as a skatecore outfit. Yeah, they are. I'm not exactly a fan of skatecore, but I know TRIGGER HAPPY are the shit - so why settle for anything less? To me, this is just a bunch of kids putting out music they love. The lyrics are weak, but have some meaning - so maybe it's intentional, like straight to the point simplicity. I've heard all kinds of bands just like this, so there's nothing new. I will point out how DNS' song "QUESTIONS" caught my attention for it's duration, as it refers to the video game RESIDENT EVIL - which I find a little funny. For a label to put this out, these guys must have a fan base and selling potential, I think it's just kids stuff though. Hopefully these guys will get out of this already overly exploited sound, and into something unique. Of course, if they're happy with what they're doing, they should stay with it.


Mmm, CORPUSSE's PRECIOUS MEMENTO (and what a precious memento it is!) The raw vocal delivery of CORPUSSE is somewhere between a grunt and a howl, so I suppose it equals a growl, the growl of a seemingly tortured soul. I highly recommend this CD. This is real art, art at it's FIN-est. You have to check this out to believe it. Yes CORPUSSE, I can feel the power, I can also hear it on this PRECIOUS MEMENTO (for sure a classic CORPUSSE collection). This CD seems to be a compilation of his previous releases (probably issued on cassette only). The liner notes and artwork (by the big C himself) really conveys the DIY nature and obscure and awesome talent of this guy. I envision CORPUSSE as the underground's answer to MEATLOAF, and his metal/goth appearance would fit very well into the ROCKY HORROR scenario, but he would be the poetic predator. The lyrics are funny, and strangely serious. Listening to these interesting works draws one close to the artist, showing that there's some emotional heart hidden behind all of the splattered entrails. I believe CORPUSSE is Canada's indie god (the friendly demonic kind) of whatever you call this genre (ambient/goth/industrial/metal/opera/rock/spoken word) The music side of this is really happenin', thanks to the talents of various musicians that include (in no particular order): guitar works by Jason Arsenault, Mark Peetsma, Rick Trembles and sound scape creator Lorenz, not to mention the various drum machines used that give it the groove - great job musician monsters. CORPUSSE, the honest lover in you has made you a savior. I invite the possibility that CORPUSSE releases a dance version of one of his crazy concoctions.


THE UNBAND do straight ahead rock and roll. Rockers will like this, but it's not my brand of poison. They do no justice covering BILLY SQUIER's "EVERYBODY WANTS YOU". The RETARDER is exactly what it says it is, a RETARDER. Most of the songs are about boozin' and abusin' drugs. THE UNBAND should disband. I wish that after listening to this yawner, it would of self destructed.


Okay, boys and girls, this is ambient music, which to me anyhow is hard to write about. The music – no, this collection of sound scapes, is done by one ALAN BLOOR of Toronto, Ontario, with notably “No Overdubs”. Imagine your ears subjected to cosmic chalkboard scraping sounds, and lots of other noise. The CD contents are convoluted (see band name for same meaning), the sounds glued and gnawing at your ear drums at variable intensities. I do appreciate that there is some eventful entries to be found on this recording.


"Recorded and mixed in Bridgetown Barbados and Toronto, Canada" may clue you in as to why ONE DAY I'LL MARRY A HUMAN, a collection of low fidelity recordings over the process of three years, has a more universal feel compared to the mainstream influenced urban hip hop tripe of today. Most of this experimental trip-hop (it takes you on a slow stride) CD strays and stays off the regular repetition of looped verse and chorus, drifting into a variety of musical landscapes while maintaining some hip hop essence. TAR BABY has back pedaled to the roots of hip-hop, and followed the less realized realms of recording, he refers to as "abstract electronic Be-Bop". The album, like anything, has its high and low points, but one thing this artist earns from this reviewer is a lot of respect for doing something special.


What we have here is some typical instrumental hip-hop. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing though. Of course, it can be dismissed as just something to listen to. It can create and maintain a mood, as long as you can bear it. This is suitable reference audio material for an educational introduction and exploration of this genre. The feeling of this seems stale.


LARD launches itself into the twenty-first century with this EP release, dishing out three songs that really are just excess fat. The brain of this project is JELLO BIAFRA who belts out the beefs with some vocal effects, and AL JOURGENSON and his MINISTRY are the brawn with the beats. The songs are long, pointing at the seventies long time span per song mentality. Fans of LARD will like this, but to me it's just the same stuff - sure, there's new targets, but the LARD package due date has expired, and should be placed into the grease cache for reprocessing.


THE-PRISON-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX is a recording of a lecture at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO, in 1997 by renowned professor activist and political prisoner herself (regardless of whether or not incarcerated) ANGELA DAVIS. This release promotes awareness, offers perspective - it makes you think! It is a call to action on the issue of the industrial prison reality, the disease that is eating away at our moral humanity for the sake of the almighty dollar. Something that etched in my mind from this album was the fact that MICHAEL JORDAN and TIGER WOODS have endorsement contracts in the millions with NIKE, the sweatshop shoemaker. Money obviously outweighs morals. To think, these guys are considered role models - and it's weird, these role models, whose black roots were oppressed and taken advantage of, belong to a corporate slave trade that continues to exploit humans for profit. This CD packed a humorous punch when ANGELA talked of a woman that would steal televisions by sticking them between her legs and walk them out of the stores in a casual fashion. Get this AKA/VIRUS release.


BLACK KALI MA shoot out some hefty Southern rock, which does nothing for me. The band's excellent, the production is too, but the only symptom this VIRUS gives me is a case of the yawns. Fans of the DICKS/SISTER DOUBLE HAPPINESS may want to check out GARY FLOYD on this offering, as this is his new band.


DROP 360, a band of six that shoot out a solid sound of rap rock. You can tell by the energy emitted that these guys know their genre, are tight and you can hear their enthusiasm on this CD. DROP 360 mix-up the style just enough to prevent them from falling down. The truth be told though, I enjoyed their extra dialogue at the end of the last track on this a lot more, where among some other stuff, they parody SHAFT, which is sure to give you a giggle.


Mostly, the lyrics deal with one's heart being hurt from the life experiences of various lost or longed for love affairs. This can be a depressing listen, HOWIE has captured and conjured up a sad reality which can cause you to reflect on your own personal experiences in the department of love. Gentle soothing vocals carefully delivered. There is some crooning, and upbeat tracks to kind of stir at the depression too. An emotionally deep bitter sweet pop album. Recommended.


This trio, which I'm guessing are from Montreal, have the hooks in place for their melodic pop punk release, and they aren't afraid to rock it out a bit, either. THE FRENETICS have a fresher sound, compared to all the generic new school clones this genre is terribly overpopulated with. An enthusiastic effort, that punches the listener in a positive way.


One of the best indie CD compilations I have checked out of quality recorded indie acts featuring "20 Garage Rock And Pop Bands!" My personal favorite track is THE GIRLBOMBS "Girl Gets Boy" Some French Canadian tracks, with the vocals in French, really gives this compilation some extra sparkle, because it's just cool - I never hear that kind of stuff, and it's damn sweet. If you see this compilation, buy it, you'll be in for a treat. I look forward to a Vol. 2.


From San Francisco, this band is a rockin' pop act with some electro-sonic stimulation to make it magnetic to attract an audience. If MAGNIFIED is considered part of the mainstream alternative, than throw me on their wagon, 'cause I want to be MAGNIFIED. I think MAGNIFIED are electrified! The title track "Stand In Traffic" does stand out, "Downtown Dream" follows with a different polarity but equal force, along with most of the other songs on this release. Their cover version of "Is She Really Going Out With Him" is great. All in all, MAGNIFIED have an attractive sound that should make them pull a lot of positive press.


You know what I think would be really cool? If main man of GBV ROBERT POLLARD, was to release some children's albums. He used to be a 4th grade school teacher, so that angles as an asset for this proposal. Check out track 4 "TROPICAL ROBOTS" if you need some convincing about this idea. POLLARD's folk like storytelling and calm trusting vocal presence can again be heard on this mini-sequel to GBV's DO THE COLLAPSE release. More of the same good songs from the GBV crew on this EP, with RIC OCASEK of CARS fame producing most of the tracks - the tracks not produced by OCASEK have a noticeably different feel, and make this EP a good grab.


39 US stations are currently giving TONY's songs on this ambient friendly noise release airplay. That can only mean this CD has something special that makes it a winner worth some attention. Some of TONY's influences are: TODD RUNDGREN, THOMAS DOLBY and ULTRA MARINE. Several music listeners have told TONY his music sounds like WILLIAM ORBIT material, and he agrees, though he made his music before discovering that particular artist. What is this guy using to make this music? Well, we asked. M: I want to know what some of, if not all of the instruments - sound generators involved were. TS: I Used 3 units for this album: 1. Akai S-2000 sampler 2. Korg 05rw tone mod 3. A proteus1 into a mackie 1202 then straight to DAT. That's it. ONE SWELL FOOP is exactly that, ONE SWELL FOOP.
