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click on the globe below to find places for instore gameing,magic and tradeing.while here, why not sign my guestbook? let me know what you think, i can take it

Save the Dragons Campaign
When complete, this site will be a info source for traveling magic: the gathering and other games, traders and players. Please be patient, and come back to check on our progress.
U Can Help!
E-maiL me and let me know about local gaming spots in your home town, or send links to me dealing with gaming and collectible card games.

Places to Play and Trade

cool sites 4 u 2 xplore

Gameing links Usefull links Friend's pages
Weirdo's of the Coast Angelfire
Easiest Free Home Pages
Nickers Nook
A good homepage,updated often.Check it out!
Augusta Roleplayers Group
A Local group of gamers
HTML made easy!
very cool html tutorial by GREEN MAC
E-mail phoney news clippings that you create!
warhammer,ccg's and more
Yahoo white pages search!
Great Search Tool for Finding People
lost in space
Chris's Home Page
warhammer info site
Matt's Script Archive
Awesome Web Server Scripts

The official White Wolf page
Role playing,and ccg's
Full Moon Girls homepage (a must visit!)
Here you will find something
for all intrest. Check out "Legend of Fellstone"

Links to other colectable card games


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