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Traditional Andalucian Carol

Campana sobre campana
Campana sobre campana!
Asomatea la ventana
Veras a un Nino en la cuna.

"Belen, campana de Belen,
Que los angeles tocan 
Que nuevas me traois?"
Recogido tu rebano 
A donde vas pastorcito
Voy a llevar al portal
Requeson, man teca y vino.
"Belen, campanas de Belen,
Que los angeles tocan,
Que nuevas traois?"

Si aun las estrellas alumbran,
Pastor, donde quieres ir?
Voy al portal por si el Nino
Con El me deja dormir.


English Translation: BELLS OVER BETHLEHEM

Bells over Bethlehem pealing,
God's sacred presence revealing!
There in a cradle is resting
Jesus, the earth's richest blessing!

The bells, the bells of Bethlehem
Are ringing out the tidings,
"good will to all men!"
Leave your sheep and come,
O shepherds,  presents bring the Babe so lowly,
Bring some cheese and bring some wine
For the Mother Mary holy.
The bells, the bells of Bethlehem
Are ringing out the tidings,
"Good will to all men!"

Shepherds, if you will but hasten,
Mary the beautiful Virgin,
May grant that you may be keeping
Watch o'er the dear Baby sleeping.


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