Tu scendi dalle stelle O Redel cielo E vieni in una grotta Al freddo al ge lo O Bambino mio Divino Io Ti vedoqui tremar! O Dio beato! Oh quanto Ti costo la vecmiamato! A te, che sei del mondo Il creatore, Mancano panni e fuoco, O mio Signore. Caro, eletto pargoletto, Quanto questa poverta Piu m'innamora, Giacche to fece amor povera ancora.
From starry skies Thou comest, The King of Heav'n foretold, Appearing in a manger, Near frozen from the cold. Jesus, dearest little Baby, How I long to make Thee warm! To shelter Thee from harm! My heart is filled with pity For Thy tiny form! In Heav'n Thou wet Creator, The True and Only Word, Yet here on earth no fire, Lord, To keep Thee from the cold. Jesus, dearest little Baby, Come in direst poverty, Would I had gifts for Thee! How wonderful God's love that suffers here for me!