Ya viene la vieja Con el agui naldo Le parece mucho, Le viene quitando. Estribillo: Pampanitos verdes, hojas de limon, La Virgen Maria, Madre del Senor. Ya vienen los Reyes Por el arenal, Y le traen al Nino Un torre real. Estribillo Y vienen los Reyes Por aquel camino, Y le traen al Nino Sopitas en vino. Estribillo
Come, my dear old lady, With a little present That you love so dearly. Refrain: Offer it to Jesus. We're weaving a garland of green lemon leaves, For sweet Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. Kings of Orient riding, Cross the sandy desert, Bringing for the Baby Wine and cookies sweet. Refrain Kings of Orient riding, Guided by the starlight, Bringing to the Baby Gifts of love, this night. Refrain