Joe Campagna's Homepage
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Joe Campagna's Homepage

Hi. My name is Joe. Well....... Actually it is Joseph. My friends call me Joe. My Good friends call me Joey. Megan can call me anything she wants to. It may seem like I am whipped but all I can say is SO WHAT! You would be too if your girlfriend was as beautiful as she is. Anyway. How about a little about me? I am about 6'0 and I have short brown hair and hazel eyes. I am a senior in high school. I go to Rock Island High School. I play football for my school. I am an offensive tackle/guard. We are currently ranked 3 in our state (IL). I live with my Mommy and Daddy and My dog Princess. I like to play golf, softball football, hang with my friends (Especially my Megan), listen to my music, and watch my movies. I hope you like this homepage so far. It is my first and I am learning more and more about this stuff everyday.

My Favorite Links

My Halloween Page
Megan's homepage
main page
Wrestling (WWF)
Wrestling (WCW)

A Little About Me
