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From the Editor's Desk: Issue I June 05, 2002

Well, here we have the very first installment of a section that could go anywhere really. As I must start somewhere, I thought I may as well share with all of you what I have been up to recently. (And yes, this IS U2-related! :)) This past Monday, June 3rd, marked my 1st year "Bono-versary." In other words, a year ago this week was the night that I saw U2 in concert at the Hartford Civic Center. It was my first time seeing them, and is still the only time that I have. (That is why they need to put out a new album soon and tour again!! hehe) To celebrate the wonderful memories, I brought out my Elevation: Live in Boston DVD and insisted on listening to solely U2 tunes all day. Of course, my private U2-Fest would not have been complete without my wearing one of my U2 T-shirts. Me, obsessed? Naw. Just one very, very dedicated fan... ;) If you would like to read more on the Hartford show, or view a few pictures I took of the Irish lads that night, click here.

Want the world to know when YOUR Bono-versary (or U2-versary) is? Send me your name, date you first saw U2 in concert, what/where venue was, and any other details you wish to include.

Anyone have a reliable mailing address to contact Bono with? I wish to give him some copies of some of my artwork but do not know what the best way to go about this is. Send any information to:

Well, that's all for this issue. Hope you enjoy this new section, and I look forward to your feedback. Have a beautiful day! ~ Yours Truly, Karen