Becoming absorbed into the writings of my various fiction stories, as well as creating pencil drawings and acrylic paintings, is a great passion of mine. A couple years ago I completed several pieces of artwork on U2's singer Bono.
I am a spiritually inclined, poetic dreamer who has an endless thirst for the beauty in our world, and a passionate drive to portray emotions and images into tangible mediums of art. If you are interested in having a commissioned piece of artwork done, please email your request or visit Nature Heart Studio's Blog .
Bio Synopsis:
- birthdate: October 9
- birthplace: Ohio
- "hometown": Mystic, CT
- residence: Vermont
- education: Ledyard High School, CT (2000). Bachelor of Arts in English, University of Vermont (2004). Master of Arts in English, University of Vermont (current).
- professional experience: Administrative Associate, Vermont Student Assistance Corp; Customer Service Agent, Vermont Teddy Bear Company; Customer Service Specialist, University of Vermont; UVM English Dept. workstudy (2001 - 2003); UVM Animal Sciences Dept. workstudy (2000 - 2001); veterinary technician assistant (1997 - 2002)
- published work: marketing item for UVM Continuing Education ("laundry bag promotion")
- pets: 2 house rabbits: "Squirrel" the Chinchilla Giant and "Leona" the Lionhead
- resonating Bible passage: Matthew 6:34
- quote from a song: "Who's to say where the wind will take you" from U2's Kite
- interests: photography, horseback riding, acoustic guitar, collecting Breyer model horses, designing websites, spending time with friends, writing non-fiction and poetry, reading novels, hiking, singing, painting, studying the Medieval period (reading Middle English works, like Chaucer), gardening, enjoying the outdoors
- Other: member of Amnesty International. Former Historian Officer of the Ledyard Regional FFA Chapter.
I believe that all humankind deserves freedom from oppression, discrimination, or torture. I believe that everyone has the right to life, and as such am pro-choice - the woman's life should not be overshadowed by the unborn. I believe that we each carry the duty to vote if we want to continue holding political opinions. I believe that something as simple as a smile can positively impact someone's day. I believe that we are blessed to have pets in our lives. I believe in God. I believe that my calling in life is to be an artist both visually and as written word. I believe in Love.
"It's a beautiful day, the sky falls
And you feel like it's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away." ~U2
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