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[Karen & Goliath]

Created & Maintained by Karen Lloyd

Site Born in 1997

[updated] 12/07/10

[Karen Lloyd]

Hello, and welcome! I hope that you will enjoy perusing through my site. Included are links to my "original" mosaic of websites. Please note that many of these are no longer actively updated, as my focus has turned to my writings and artwork. You can follow my latest art adventures on my blog created in 2010: Karen's Nature Heart Studio

Original Artwork by Karen J. Lloyd

Weblog Musings

Simply Bono: A U2 Site

The First Unofficial Evan Farmer Site

Memorial Page to My Rabbit Twinkle

Savage Garden Universe


Photo Album

Model Horse Gallery: Mystic Meadows Stables

Music From Another Room: Actor Jude Law

Broadway Performer: Ron Bohmer

Awards for My Site

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"Who can say where the wind will take you?." ~ Bono / U2

[Help fund mammograms for underprivileged women at no cost to you!]


[Help stop world hunger at no cost to you.]

End All Horse End All Horse Slaughter NOW!Slaughter NOW!

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Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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Visit Karen's Art Blog

Karen's Nature Heart Studio: Official Art Gallery Site

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