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Review of the MTV Movie "2ge+her"

A Review of the Movie... by Karen

2/21/00: WOW! In a single word, AWESOME!! The movie was a lot better than I expected. I really loved it, especially any scenes with Evan. Hee hee. (No, I'm not obsessed, Seriously though, it is hard to pinpoint a single favorite part of the movie, but I think I can narrow it down to three. First, when Jerry was first discovered by Bob Buss, when he was singing "You're My Baby Girl." That scene really showed off Evan's singing talent. Another part I really liked was when Jerry yells in the parking lot that he's going to make it, he's going to be a star. It really showed his determination to make his dream come true. My third favorite is when Jerry returned (surprising Bob) and brought 2gether back together as a whole group. Because of course, without Jerry, 2ge+her fell apart and lacked the group unity they had when he was there. Jerry was not just the boy band's teen heartthrob, he was the leader. Well, I may as well comment on my favorite costume too. It was the tiger/tarzan costume...the ultra-sexy costume. Hee hee. Don't you all agree that Evan has a great bod?! Not to mention his good looking face.:) Okay, I better stop now before my friends think I'm totally wacked. lol ~ K.L.
