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At the Stagedoor

Below are photos taken just outside the theatre, near the stagedoor. After the show, I waited by the stagedoor for the cast members of The Fantasticks to exit. I was a bit nervous because I wasn't really sure at first what I should say to them because it didn't seem like mere words could tell how much I enjoyed the performance. It didn't help that I'm rather shy, especially around strangers. But all of them were really nice and friendly and were gracious enough to sign my playbill with a smile and quick chat. I really liked Allison and Evan and was very lucky to get my picture taken with them both. Boy, was I happy at that moment! I'm sure you can tell a little by my huge smile just how happy I was!:) Especially getting to meet Evan. Ok, I'll admit it already...he was my reason for wanting to wait there after the show!

From left to right: Allison Munn, me (Karen Lloyd), and Evan Farmer

Just Evan :)

Well, doesn't Evan just have the most gorgeous smile? I don't think anyone's smile can quite compare to his!! I especially loved the way he'd start to smile, so he'd have a "half-smile." Anyways, I just want to apologize for the quality of the scans- he looks so much better in real life than these pictures show!

*These pictures are copyright Karen Lloyd. Please, please do not "take" them without permission!!*
