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My Breyer Want List

Can one ever have too many models? Nope!:)
Therefore, I hope to include several more old models into my herd in the near future. In particular, the Sherman Morgan is a much-needed favorite. So, if you have any of the models listed below for sale at reasonable prices, please e-mail me ( your sales list. Thanks!! :)

Horses I'm Searching For:
  • Sham (with wheat ear) - Mint or Excellent Cond.
  • Chincoteageue foal Phantom Wings
  • Morgan models, esp. Sherman Morgans (any of that mold)- Mint or Excellent Cond.
  • Woodgrains (except FAM and FAF)
  • Also, special runs, limited editions, and vintage glossies

    Please note: None of my own horses are currently for sale! There is however a chance that a few will be in the near future (mid-2004). Let me know if you are interested in any on my list, or would like to do trades.
