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Order Imformation

Pearl Baiko
720 West Mill Creek Road
Warrensville, NC 28693
phone:(336) 385-2535
2nd line: (336) 385-5555
fax: (336) 385-2535

Welcome to my ordering imfo page. Here is how you can get in touch with me. You can call me or email me to place an order. You need to know what items you wish to purchase. I will only charge you actual shipping costs. When reasonable, I use Priority Mail. For 30 pound food items I prefer Parcel Post. Much more cost effecient. But the shipping method is your choice. Kings Cages are shipped by common carrier. If they they are light enough and small enough I use UPS, and some of the smaller cages will be accepted. You can pay your order by personal check, money order, Visa, Mastercard. or American Express. Checks and money orders can be made out to: Roscoes' Roost and mailed to the above address. Email is not secure so if you wish to pay by credit card please call me. The imfo I need is: the actual name on your Visa, American Express, or Mastercard, your credit card number (16 digits), and the expiration date. Please call between 7 AM and 7 PM Eastern Time. I very much appreciate all of my valued customers and thank you all for your orders. On some of these web pages there are some discounts offered, if I should not include it in your total PLEASE tell me about my mistake. I promise I will correct it.

* on 30 pound bags of food I will take $10.00 off to help with the cost of shipping. Just remind me if I should forget.