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Advice Page

The Single's Webring introduces the new Advice Columnn.

You can now ask our mystery expert all those nagging relationship questions. All you need to do is send your question to with the word "Advice" in the subject line, and you are done.

Within one week of sending the question it will be posted on the Advice Column.
If you feel more comfortable you can use a secret name like(Sleepless in Miami, Heartbroken in L.A., ect.). So what are you waiting for??
Ask Away....


. Ok..... here goes. I have a friend named D***a who is the type of person who likes to talk about her relationship with her boyfriend everytime we speak. I don't mind this very much, but she's a chatterbox. Ofcourse I do speak a bit about my girlfriend to her, but I would never base the entire conversation about her. Everytime I say "hello" to her, it's the "D***a and K***n show" all of a sudden. A half hour of discussing it isn't bad, but the whole day????? No way! How could I politely ask her to "shut-up" without hurting her feelings and possibly harming our friendship together?
From, T**d


. The first thing I would try is to change the subject. If she mentions how much fun they had at the mall for example. You can come back with a story about the mall or something else relating to it. If this doesn't work you will have to speak to her about it. Usually this is a phase of any relationship so in time it should dissipate. If you do decide to talk to her about it remember love makes people do strange things.
Good Luck, §



The mystery expert is not a licensed professional, and The Single's Webring is in no way responsible for the advice she gives.