Those who were given knowledge before it when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration. And they say glory to be our Lord! Truly the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled. And they fall down on their faces weeping and it adds to their humility.
They were those unto whom Allaah bestowed His grace, from among the prophets, of the offspring of Aadam, and of those who we carried (in the ship) with Nooh and of the offspring of Ibraaheem and israa'eel and from among those whom we guided and chose. When the verses of the most gracious were recited unto them, they fell down prostrating and weeping.
Weeping out of fear of Allaah Allaah, the Most High, say: Those who were given knowledge before it when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration. And they say glory to be our Lord! Truly the promise of our Lord must be fulfilled. And they fall down on their faces weeping and it adds to their humility.
They were those unto whom Allaah bestowed His grace, from among the prophets, of the offspring of Aadam, and of those who we carried (in the ship) with Nooh and of the offspring of Ibraaheem and israa'eel and from among those whom we guided and chose. When the verses of the most gracious were recited unto them, they fell down prostrating and weeping.
IT has related on the authority of Aboo Hurayrah (RA) who said: I heard the messenger of allaah (SAW) say "Seven who will be granted the shade of allaah on the a day when there will be no shade but His. A just ruler, a youth who has been brought up worshipping allaah, a man whose heart is attached to the mosque, two people who love each other sake of allaah and meet and parts upon that, a man who is allured by a woman of high standing and beauty and he say ' I fear Allaah', one who gives charity in secret so that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given, and a man whose eye left fill up with tears when members Allaah in private.
Explanation of the " the shade of allaah"
The attribution of shade to Allaah is an attribution of ownership. Every shade is His shade. His property, His creation and authority ( i.e, Allaah has own his shade. The the point being stressed here is that it is not an attribution of a characteristic to Allaah. Rather, this type of attribution is similar to "slave of Allaah" or " house of Allaah" etc. So the shade is not an attributed of Allaah but it has been annexed to him for purposes of distinction and nobility which therefore sets it apart from all other shades). What is meant here is the shade of Throne as it has been clearly mentioned in another hadeeth. The day that is referred to is the Day of Resurrection, when the people stand in front of the Lord of the worlds, and sun draws close to them, and they feel the intense heat and begin to perspire. There will not be any shade (on that day) Except the shade of the Throne.
Also on the authority of Aboo Hurayrah (RA) who heard the messenger of allaah (SAW) say "the fire will not touch a man who weeps out of the fear of allaah until the milk returns to the breasts. Also the dust produced in Jihaad and smoke of hell will never co-exist."
on the authority of ibn' Abbaas (RA) who heard the messenger of Allaah (SAW) say "There are two eyes which will not be touched by the Fire. An eye which weeps out of the fear of Allaah and an eye which stays vigil throughout the night guarding for sake of Allaah.
On the authority of Aboo Hurayrah ( RA) that the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) Said: "Two eyes have been forbidden from being overcome by the fire. An eye which has wept out of fear of allaah and eye which stays vigil throughout the night guarding Islaam and one's family from kufr."
On the authority of Aboo Umaamah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said: " There is nothing more beloved to Allaah (the Most High) then two drops and two marks. A teardrop shed out of fear of allaah (the Most High ) and drop of blood split for the sake of Allaah ( the Most High). As for the two marks, one which is sustained for the sake of allaah and one which is received in the cource of carrying out an obligation commanded by Allaah ( the Most High)
On the authority of 'Uthmaan (RA) who said that the Messenger of allaah (SAW) said: "Toobah is for everone who controls his tongue, whose house is sufficient for him( i.e. he is contents with it) and who weeps over his errors."
On the authority of 'Uqbah ibn' Aamir (RA) who asked: ' I said, " o messenger of Allaah! What is salvation?" He repleid: to have Control over your tongue, to be content with your house and to weep over your errors."
The weeping of the Prophet Muhmmad (SAW)
On the authority of ' Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood (RA), who said: ' The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) told me: " recite to me! So I recited Soorah an-Nisaa', until I reached: How will it be then, whe We bring from each notion a witness, and then we bring you (O Prophet Muhmmad) as witness against these people? Then I looked towards him, and behold! I saw that his eyes were overflowing with tears.
Aboo Sa'eed (RA) who said that the Messenger of Alaah (SAW) said: " A prophet will come and with him will be two men, and and (another) prophet will come and with him will be three men, and more and less than that. It will be said to him: Do you convey ( the message) to your notion? He will reply: "Yes" then his nation will be called, and it will be said to them: 'Was the message conveyed to you? ' and they will reply: "No. "So it will be said (to that prophet) Who will testify for you? He will reply: Muhammad (SAW) and his nation. So the nation of Muhammad (SAW) will be called and it will be said to them: Were you informed of this? And they will reply: Yes. So it will be asked: How did you come to know about that? And they will reply: our Prophet (SAW) informed us that the messenger (before him) had conveyed the messege, and we believe him. He (Aboo Saeed) said "so that is what Allaah (the Most high) means when He say in the Quraan and thus We have made you( muslim-real believers) a just nation that you be witness over mankind, and the messenger (prophet Mohummad) be witness over you…
on the authority of Alee(RA) who said: we did not have a horseman with us on the day of Badr except al-Miqdaad. Everyone amongst us was sleeping except for the messenger of Allaah (SAW) who was under tree, praying and weeping until the morning.
On the authority of Abdulaahi ibn Amr (RA) who said: one day, during the lifetime of the messenger of Allaah (SAW) the sun eclipsed, so he stood and prayed, until it seemed as though he wouldn't go into rukoo (the bowing position) then he went into rukoo ( for such a long time) that it seemed as if he wouldn't raise his head, then he raised his head. He remained (in that postion) and it seemed as if he would go to sujood ( the prostrating position) , then he made sajdah (prostration) and (he remain in that position)until it seemed as if he wouldn't raise his head, then he raised his head, and seemed as if he wouldn't go into sujood again. Then he began to breathe heavily and weep, saying: "Lord didn't you promise me that you wouln't punish them while I am omong them? Lord didn't you promise me that you wouldn't punish them while they seek forgiveness from you, and we seek forgiveness from you? When had finished praying two rakah the sun eclipse had cleared, and he he (SAW) got up and praised and glorified Alaah and then he said: the sun and the moon are two signs from among the signs of allaah, they do not eclipse because of the death or life of anyone. So if you see them eclipse, then hasten to the remembrance of allaah.
On the authority of al-Baraa ibn Aazib (RA) who said while we were with messenger of allaah (SAW) he suddenly looked towards a group (of people) and said: "for what reason have they gathered here? It was said in order to dig a grave. So the messenger of Allaah (SAW) Become alarmed and starled and he quickly went ahead of his componions until he reached the grave, then he knelt upon it and turned my face towards him (SAW) in order to see what he was doing. He (SAW) Cried until the earth became wet with his tears, then he turned to us and said: O my brothers! Prepare for a day like this.
The Information was taken from the called book WEEPING by Husayn al-'Awaayishah & Translated by Bint Feroz Din & Bint Abd al-Ghafoor