What my father said is the propose of life or what May teacher said or my friend say . And when we ask again why we eat, asleep, dress or work. They will answer this commonly of necessity of as human being.
We can follow this land questioning with 100 and receiving same or similar answer from anyone or any languages or any places world simple. Then when you ask a question!What is the Goal of propose of life, and we got so many different answer, because the people are confused they don't really know and they stumbling in the dark and rather to say I don't know they just offer any answer they propaganda to answer.
Is our purpose this world is simply to eat, asleep, work any quiet material thinks and enjoying ourselves? Is that our purpose? Why are we born? What is the objectively existence? What is the wisdom behind our creation of man. God has Created us to put us to a test so that we may prove who of us can utilize his life to the Best purpose.
God states in the Holy Book: "He is the One who created the heavens and The earth in six days. His throne rises over the water, so He may test you: Who is finest In action." (11; 7). The test is made clear for Man right from his early years and the chance to rectify his attitude and choose what is Good for him is offered at every juncture.
In fact, if he errs, he can at any moment correct His error, repent and turn to God for forgiveness. If he does so, then he is forgiven. When people abandon God's guidance, their lives on earth seem to be nothing more Than eating, drinking and self-indulgence.
God says in the Holy Book: "God will admit the Ones who believe and perform righteous deeds into gardens through which rivers flow, While those who disbelieve will enjoy themselves and eat just as animals do, and the fire Will be their lodging place." (47; 12) Our lord has not created to us on this earth with any foolish of purpose. Our Lord said the holy Book "I have not created the jinn the spirit, nor the human being for any other purpose except to worship me".
This what almighty god said. Our purpose on this life is to recognize our created to be grateful, to worship, to surrender ourselves the creator and to obey the law he has determine for us.To worship Allah is to live life according to His commands, not to run away from it. To worship Allah is to know Him, to love Him, to obey His commands, to enforce His laws in every aspect of life, to serve His cause by doing right and shunning evil and to be just to Him, to ourselves and to our fellow human beings. In that net shell it means to worship.
note""""- This material i have been taken a tape a brother yasin, if u find out wrong please help me, to correct.