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My movie reviews

This is were you are going to find my movie reviews,I might like or not like a movie that might not mean that you might not like it Remember that! Since I see almost every movie that comes to theatres i should have quite a big list.

TITANIC:I don't think there is anyone who hasn't seen this,but if you haven't or you just want to see what I say about it read on! IT's the best movie I have ever seen in my life.The cast is great and the special effects are awesome.If you haven't seen it you should!!!!

THE WEDDING SINGER:It's really funny,there's quite a few swears but the cast is great [Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore star]in a funny romance/comedy.

AS GOOD AS IT GETS:It's hilarious,I laughed alot of the time [Jack Nicholson won an acamdemy award for his part in this movie]and Helun Hunt [She also won an Academy award for her role]are great and the little puppy is really cute too. a few bad words

MAN IN THE IRON MASK:It's really good,but you have to know a bit about King Louie the 14th and the three musketeers.Not very many bad words.

THE RAINMAKER:It's a good movie about law and court,if you like that kind of thing,starring Matt Damon and Claire Danes

GOOD WILL HUNTING:Good movie,but alot of bad words [Matt Damon and Ben Affleck won an academy award for best seccrenplay for writting this movie]a bit of adult content.

TOMMOROW NEVER DIES: It's good for a James Bond movie,lots of shooting and you know James Bond,Pierce Bronson does a good job at James Bond

SPICE WORLD: Great for Spice Girl lovers,it's funny and cute.It's a good movie

TWILIGHT: I didn't like it at all,i was way to adult for me and i think it was boring but don't let my opinion effect you if you want to see it.

THE ODD COUPLE 2:It was hilarious Walter Mathau was great and so was Jack Lemon I really recommend it

MERCURY RISING: It was really good,great subject matter but a few swears

DEEP IMPACT:It's awesome,if you haven't seen it you should.Really well cast.Great special effects.

Coming soon: any other movie that i fell like seeing

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