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Secrets Of Studying - Concentration

While there are several resources on the Web that offer advice on "what" you should study (for the particular certification exam you are preparing for), not many of these resource sites go into "how" you should study.

The study process can be broken down into many different stages, each with its unique characteristics. However, key to all of these stages is the ability to concentrate. Concentration, or the lack of, plays a big part in the study process.

Let's look at some simple steps you can take to help focus your concentration when studying for exams.

Why Did I Stop Studying?

Everyone needs a study break now and then. Pre-planned breaks are an important part of the study process. It's the unplanned breaks, the moments when we are jolted out of studying, that are the real killers.

External distractions are often to blame for stop-and-start studying. You have to either create an environment that's conducive to studying, or seek out an existing environment that meets the criteria (like a library or study hall). If you can't get out to such a venue, here are some tips for creating an appropriate study environment at home.

DO NOT STUDY WITH THE TV ON. These words should be chiseled in stone and mounted over your entertainment center. Trying to maintain a decent level of concentration with a TV chirruping in the background is like trying to install Win2K on a 386SX.

CREATE A FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE. Having other people in the room is an open invitation for distraction. If you are going to be studying with anyone else present, have them treat you like the Invisible Man. Interspersing studying with snippets of conversation is counter-productive.

DON'T STUDY IN A CONCERT HALL. There are varying opinions on whether it is better to study with or without music playing. Some people study better in silence, while some find a totally silent room a distraction in itself. If you are going to play music, most experts agree that you should keep the volume on a low level and listen to music without vocals in it.

Daydream Believer

Internal distractions are more difficult to pinpoint and address. They basically fall into two different categories: Physical and Mental distractions.

Physical distractions are actually related to both internal and external sources. Physical distractions include hunger, drowsiness, and discomfort. Here are some things to be aware of.

DON'T STUDY ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. It's difficult to concentrate when your stomach is growling like a NASDAQ stockbroker. At the same time, it isn't good to study after a large meal when you are feeling sluggish. While studying, maintain your appetite with small, high-protein snacks. As well, it goes without saying that imbibing alcohol while studying is a bad idea. Stick with non-alcoholic beverages, and keep your caffeine consumption to a reasonable level.

DON'T STUDY WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. When you're tired, your mental faculties are dulled and your ability to retain information is blunted. Study during those times of day when you are most alert. If you grow tired while studying, walk away from it. Do some stretches, take a few deep breaths.

FIND THE RIGHT LEVEL OF COMFORT. The trick here is to find a position that is comfortable, but not so comfortable that you become sleepy. A hard, uncomfortable chair will cause you to shift and fidget; laying on the couch with a soft pillow may cause your eyes to droop. As well, make sure that your study area is well lit (natural light is best for fighting fatigue).

Mental distractions are the most difficult to overcome. Almost everyone's mind wanders occasionally when they are supposed to be focusing on a task. The important thing to remember is:

NEVER DAYDREAM AND STUDY AT THE SAME TIME. Most of us have experienced the phenomenon of having read a page in a book or magazine, only to realize that we have no clue what we just read. This happens when your brain is working on too many information streams at once. When you daydream and read at the same time, the information you are reading doesn't get processed and stored properly.

Study material shouldn't be passively read. You should read it with a critical eye, highlight important text, and take notes on concepts you don't understand so that you can review them later.

Maintaining your focus during studying can be difficult. Just remember that if your mind begins to wander, don't continue reading. Step back, give your head a shake, and then resume reading.

By implementing these strategies for improving concentration, you can optimize your studying and better prepare for your certification exams.