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Last night it rained.
I saw your face through the clouded
Windowpane. It seemed you were cry-
ing but it was only the rain falling down
the window. I heard your laughter but
it was only the thunder repeating itself.
I though I heard you talking to me but
it was only the branches rubbing
against the glass.
It’s morning now. The rain
has stopped.

Today is a beautiful day!
The rays of light filtered
through the sentinels of
trees this morning.
I sat by the creek and
I missed classes, but
somehow it didn’t matter.
The serenity and beauty
of my feelings and
surroundings completely
captivated me….
I though of you.
I discovered you tucked
away in the shadows of the
trees. Then rediscovered
you on the smiles of the
flowers as the sun
penetrated the petals….
in the rhythm of the leaves
falling upon the stream …
in the freedom of the
robin as he flew searching
as you do.
I’m very happy to have found you again.
now, you will never leave
me, for I will always find
you in the beauty of life.

Love comes as birth does …
Knowing its own time.

Nothing is more wondrous than a human being when
he begins to discover himself.

The soul can rise from the earth
into the sky, like a bird
aware of its freedom,
Not feeling the barriers of man
But the beauty of love
Which is eternal.

Which has more substance, the
Thought of love or
An act of love?

All that we love, deeply
becomes a part of us.

We are all mirrors unto one another.
look into me and you will find some-
thing of yourself as I will of you.

How small
A grain of sand
A whisp of hair
And man!
How large
A grain of time
A whisp of giving
And love.

I was alone, walking in the park
you were sitting by a tree.
our eyes met.
you smiled.

I fear no love –
For my heart is open,
My mind sincere,
And my actions honorable.
Have you ever listened to the snowfall?

Do not reject what you do not understand;
For with understanding there may be acceptance

To be of few words and to be of many actions is to
follow the path of nature

Love cannot be begged, bought, borrowed or stolen.
It can only be given away.

The greatest path toward truth is
Experiencing life by crawling in its dirt
And being lifted by the wings of its beauty.

Love is an attitude… in constant motion as the sea.

Remember by finding things
Within yourself
Only then will you be able to
Share them with others.

We do not need words.
Our eyes speak
Our touch reveals.
Each new day we discover new beauty
In silence, of each other.

Live for today but
Remember yesterday
And think of tomorrow

We should receive love
With as much understanding
As we give love.