Even then, they may fluctuate and question, and if they come back to the same conclusion or truth, their belief is strengthened."
At Times One Must Stop and Feel the Past
The Civil War took more American lives than any other war in history. In fact, 620,000 soldiers died !! This was is almost as many as the combined American dead from the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) through the Viet Nam War !! The Union lost about 360,000 troops, and the Confederacy about 260,000. More than half of these deaths were caused by disease. Another statistic is that one third of all Southern soldiers died in the war, compared to one-sixth of the Northern soldiers. And those that did not die were injured if not physically, emotionally.
But it wasn't only the soldier that felt this pain and loss, families felt it just as much, no one was immune to this pain. This War had scarred and devastated our nation, the victory that was won, was not a glorious one...not when so many had to die. This War was unlike any other, fathers fought against sons, brothers fought against brothers. The soldiers of each side fought for what they believed, fought for their convictions; that, in itself, is an admirable quality.
Why did the South feel they had a right to secede ? Why did they ? The reasons and the causes of this war are not dried cut. There would be more than one reason, more than one cause, with slavery being one of them, and the preservation of the Union being another. But is was more than that, much more than that. This was a war of passion, a war of principles, a war that would tear away at the heart and soul of this county, and of the individual.
Let us look at these reasons again, what could cause this type of division ?? The Civil War was between the Southern States, who were trying to preserve slavery and their agricultural way of life, and the Northern States dedicated to a more modern way of life, ending of slavery, as well as the preservation of this great country of ours. However, it even goes deeper than that.
Let us first concentrate on the issue of slavery, and reflect on some comments made by Gabor S. Boritt (a historian). He stated that "In colonial times most Americans regarded slavery as a necessary evil. The Founding Fathers of the United States had been unable to abolish slavery and compromised over it in the writing of the Constitution."
After seeing this comment, I looked at the Constitution, and this is what I found, that indeed there was conflict. Even then, over the queston of slavery and the northern states wanted the power to forbid the foreign slave trade, while the southern delegates did not. A compromise was reached that stated that Congress would not be allowed to regulate the foreign slave trade till 1808.
In 1858, Senator William Seward of New York referred to the differences between the North and the South as "an irrepressible conflict." He placed slavery at the heart of that uncontrollable conflict. In fact, it is said that "debates over slavery raged in Congress between the Northern and Southern lawmakers during most of the 1850's."
But like I stated before it goes much deeper than that. It began in colonial times which resulted from the differences in the cultures of people that settled in each as well as from geographical differences. In the South, the climate was found ideal for growing tobacco and other plantation crops. After the plantations were started black slaves were brought here from Africa to provide most of the labor. While up North, the cooler and rocky soil in the north was not suitable for plantations or large farms. As a result of this North became dependent on trade, more than agriculture. Due to this dependeny on others, this type of economy favored the growth of cities.
Submitted by "T. Groves"
"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." -Martin Luther King Jr., June 23, 1963. Speech in Detroit, Michigan.
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