100 Fantastic Civil War Sites

"...but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came."

Abraham Lincoln, 2nd Inaugural Address
4 March 1865


Americus Brass Band

American Civil War

American Civil War Data Base

Andersonville Civil War Prison

Arlington National Cemetery

Battles of Gettysburg

Cyndi Howells's Civil War Links

Civil War Archives and Libraries

Civil War History

Civil War Artillery

Civil War Graphics

Civil War Parks

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors

Civil War Women

Confederate Heritage Links

Eyewitness Accounts


Ghostrider's and Other Links

Grand Army of the Republic

History Channel

Indiana During the War

Iowa During the Civil War

Link to the Past

Lousiana State

Memorium to One of Our Soldiers

Mississippi Historical Archive

North American History Page

Popular Songs of the Day

Second U. S. Calvary, Co A

Second Wisconsin

Sons of the Union Veterans

Sutler's Links

Two Communities in the Valley

U. S. Grant Page

Union Regiments that Fought With the 26nd Wisconsin

Veteran/Military Civil War Site

War for Southern Independence Resources

Wisconsin Museum Archives

Women in the Civil War

War for Southern Independence Resources

1998-2010 copyright

The Web Other Search Resources

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Maps to National Parks and Historic Sites
Ohio in the Civil War
Military Medical History
General Pettigrew
18th & 19th Century Ball Room Dancing
Chicago History from the 1700's
Civilian Links (Reenacting)
Civil War Chat Room
A Civilian Page
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Carlene Wojahn's Photo Album
Virginia Military Institute (VMI)
Iowa in the Civil War

Email: cwojahn@countryroadswv.com