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"Two Little Boys" (anonymous)

Two little boys had two little toys,
Each had a wooden horse;
Gaily they played each summer’s day -
Warriors both of course.
One little chap then had a mishap,
Broke off his horse's head;
Cried for his toy, then cried for joy
As his young playmate said:

Did you think I would leave you crying

When there's room on my horse for two?
Climb up here, Jack. we'll soon be flying;
I can go just as fast with two.
When we grow up we'll both be soldiers,
And our horses will not be toys;
And I wonder if we'll remember
When we were two little boys.

Long years passed,
War came so fast;
Bravely they marched away.
Cannons roared loud and in the mad crowd
Wounded and dying lay.
Up went a shout -
A horse dashes out,
Out from the ranks so blue.
Galloped away to where Joe lay
And then came a voice he knew:

Did you think I would leave you dying
When there's room on my horse for two?
Climb up here, Joe, we'll soon be flying
Back to the ranks so blue.
Do you know, Joe, I'm all a-tremble,
Perhaps it's the battle's noise;
But I think it's that I remember
When we were two little boys.

"...but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.

Abraham Lincoln, 4 March 1865

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