"My dream of an apocalypse that was the Antichrist Superstar has unfolded.
I could see that they only looked and acted like humans,
but they had lost their souls, they were Mechanical Animals."
Marilyn Manson - Message 015

Question: Who are the Mechanical Animals?
1. They are people that blindly follow and believe whatever is popular.
2. They only care about themself.
3. They do not care about humanity.
4. They are not aware of their surroundings.
5. They are controlled by addiction. drug, alchohol, sex and porn addiction.
6. Everything about them is fake, their smile, their personality, their whole self.
7. They'll never be anything original. They'll never be anything at all.
8. They are mechanical animals. controlled by popularity.

1999 is the year of many false beliefs.
Next year many people will tell you the world will end in 2000.
Do not believe them.

"This isn't me, I'm not mechanical."
Marilyn Manson

"They fail to see the anguish in my eyes."
Marilyn Manson